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Rance wuz here...
Monday, 15 November 2004

In response to a prior challenge regarding Larry Haggman's last wishes I have received this. I think it's brilliant. I say open up shop. This could be a franchise!

Name: Claygal2001
Comment: I can top Larry Hagman. I am a potter, and when I die, I wish to be put into the cremation furnace with some of my pots - a teapot and teacups that I have thrown beforehand, to be precise - so we can all enjoy the cleansing warmth of the bisque fire together. Cremation happens at 1600-1700f, which is a cone 6 bisque. Perfrect for my porcelain. I would then like my ashes to be mixed into a glaze, and then the glaze to be applied to the teaset. I'd like the tea set to be glazefired. I'd then like my friends to have a tea party with the finished tea set and toast to me.

In observance of the Great American Smoke Out, I post the following. Remember, don't hate the messenger...

Name: Frank
Comment: Let me be Frank.

Whoever the chick was whose boyfriend was telling her she needed more experience, I've got 6 words for you. He's Just Not That Into you. It hurts, but I'm Frank.

Nicolette, masquerading around half-naked cannot distract from the obvious. Draw your eyebrows three inches lower and you might look human. It's brutal, but I'm Frank.

To all those sporting yellow fingers, brittle hair, a nice flemmy cough and the pungent odor of smoke, hear ye this: The tobacco companies are now running their own anti-smoking ads. Philip Morris is doing so to the tune of $100 MILLION dollars worth. Does this register with you? Is the hamster up and running? Anything starting to click for ya? If you still insist on smoking please do so in a 3' X 3' sealed room with no ventilation. You'll get the best of both worlds, exclusively inhaling your first and second hand smoke, while speeding up the inevitable. Your timely untimely death. Remember, I'm Frank.

Let Me Be,

Frank Witu

Not to worry. I am working on the next Rashomon segment and hope to have it up tomorrow. I am also working on several other projects that I hope will come to fruition within the next week. So stay tuned, we could have a surprise for you...

Posted by captainhoof at 4:01 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 15 November 2004 1:29 PM CST
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Monday, 15 November 2004 - 12:00 PM CST

Name: Cheryl

Claygal, wow, you've put a little thought into this. Well, somehow your approach seems a bit less hostile. No less disgusting, but definately more refined. What type of biscotti would you suggest for your cremation flavored tea?

Frank, that's harsh, but definately to the point, but some people need that. Everyone is not as subtle as say, Claygal. "He's Not That into You" is actually a book for women who don't know how to read the signs of rejection from a man. It spells out the signs of being turned down for the romantically challenged women who persist despite obvious rejection. (Sounds like a social service.) My friend read it and it gave her a good laugh. Supposed to be very funny.

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 12:39 PM CST

Name: feenxc

claygal, i loved your idea, it tops my last wishes, altho i still like the wind chime thingy. what a great tea party!



Monday, 15 November 2004 - 1:49 PM CST

Name: Bubba

I witnessed a friend in college who did his own smoking test. He inhaled and then exhaled into a paper bag and then inhaled that. Basically he only inhaled smoke for the duration of the cigarette's short life span. Not much oxygen reached his brain, only nicotine and tar rich smoke.

His response to the experiment: "My whole body feels like it's buzzing." He never graduated. (In fact, he hadn't even graduated from high school whilst in college...damn that P.E. it's so difficult.)


Monday, 15 November 2004 - 3:51 PM CST

Name: tartntiny

Sheesh. Why not skin your hide and dry it out to make water pouches for your friends on hot humid days?

Sorry, I would just keep turning that tea cup in angst of the body part I was about to press my lips onto.

As far as Frank goes.
Smoking will kill you, but so will high blood pressure.
Relax, quit worrying about other people and take a look in the mirror, I am sure your vices could put a therapist's kid thru college.
Take your own advice and lock yourself up in a sealed room, the amount of "hot air" you expell is sure to make your demise just as quick and uncomfortable.

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 4:00 PM CST

Name: JCanuck
Home Page:

This company, LifeGem, will take the ashes of your loved one and turn them into a diamond (or several of them) for you. They will also do your dog...

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 4:55 PM CST

Name: Frank

Speaking of lips, I noticed that some dude on this site is obsessed with Angelie Jolie. Here's an observation, Angelina Jolie's lips are the mirror image of the lips encircling a horse's anus. All swollen and creviced. It's digusting and I'm Frank.

Let Me Be,

Frank Witu

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:02 PM CST

Name: mikeeeee
Home Page:

Hey RDD,

You want a story of near untimely death... go read my journal or my best friends entry about Friday night/Saturday morning...



Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:36 PM CST

Name: rancette
Home Page:

>Whoever the chick was ...

Frank, uh, that was me! Hey, I think Rance is using Frank as a pseudonym. I could be wrong, but that sounded very "rancey". Oh well. You're right. He's not very interested in me, as I've talked about on my mindsay blog. We are THIS close to breakup up. Love sucks!!

Thank you for being honest.

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:36 PM CST

Name: feenxc

tart, thanks for responding to frank, well, so frankly. i couldn't figure out how to express the idea of empathy to him.

as for the tea party, just remember the fire sanitized every little piece


Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:40 PM CST

Name: DeepRedVelvet

Hey these two posts gave me a great idea.
Take my ashes and make one helluva smoke!

Before I write an entry for the new Rashomon, I think I need a toke on Frank.

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:47 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie


The computer I am currently on prohibits me access to livejournal... Do you care posting your story over here?

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 5:49 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Yes, I do remember seeing something on the news about this. It is a fabulous idea as well...Diamonds really can be a girl's best friend...

Great to see you Canuckie...

Monday, 15 November 2004 - 10:20 PM CST

Name: Bubba

I just got this image in my head of a guy with a magnifying glass shoved three inches away from a horse's anus. And, frankly, I felt sorry for him. Here is the following dialogue to that scene: "Yup, I knew it. This horse's rectum is the exact shape, and size, crevices and all, to Angelina Jolie's lips. Now, I can go tell mother that she owes that seven dollars she bet me."

(Wait a second Frank, you dirty little man, which lips of hers were you talking about?)

FYI: A woman who doesn't have crevices and lines in her lips is a woman who has had her lips done. The lines and crevices indicate authenticity. Thus, Angelina's are real in a sea of falsey's. Also, a woman's upper lip is always smaller then the bottom one, if the top lip looks bigger it is full of injected fat or fake fat. You can see this phenomenon in photos of Laura Flynn Boyle. No lines, or crevices and toppy is much bigger then the bottom one. Thus concludes the plastic surgery lesson of the day.

Tomorrow, I'll talk about Ben Stiller's hairy back, and how waxing shaved, I mean saved, his career. Unfortunately, Peter Sellers missed out on that. By god he was hairy.


Monday, 15 November 2004 - 10:28 PM CST

Name: Bubba

..."prohibits me access to livejournal..."

Duckie's been hanging around Gus too long and is turning into a scurvy sea fairing lassy...a pirates whale catching wench...arrrr.

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 12:25 AM CST

Name: Luvszoe

Smoking = nasty.
I could be alone in a restaurant and the next patron would be a smoker and would naturally sit as close to me as possible.
Exactly the way there are a huge amount of empty seats located *away* from me in a movie theater...but where do people feel they have to sit? WTF is up with that??

Angelina Jolie's lips/horse's anus= that is one highly disturbing image....I would have to read that right before bed.

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 4:34 AM CST

Name: JCanuck

I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on your "promotion" I think, so congrats! Nice to be back, if only part-time for the moment.

Can you imagine how to explain to the insurance people just how much your dearly departed is worth if you have the misfortune to lose the stone?

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 9:15 AM CST

Name: Ms Lauren
Home Page:

holy shit, this is what I've been missing the last couple of weeks? I look forward to what's gonna be posted next week, while I'm away again, but I'm not really sure that anything can top someone giving such a creative description of where/how they want to be "buried," followed up with Frank's letter. but this is Rancetera, so I guess anything's possible.

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 10:03 AM CST

Name: Frank

I never said they weren't authentic. I said they were disgusting. Suzy Chapstick she'll never be.

Let Me Be,

Frank Witu

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 10:08 AM CST

Name: Frank

Empathetic to who?

Let Me Be,

Frank Witu

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 10:54 AM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

Duck, you are hitting your stride--your wit is even sharper and the writing is crackling. I am going to bookmark this site.

Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 11:08 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Bookmark it? How about write something for it...Like a Thanksgiving Special perhaps? What, exactly, do pseudonymous celebrity bloggers do for turkey day?

Wednesday, 17 November 2004 - 6:45 AM CST

Name: Mikeeeee

The cool ones order chinese take-out and have it delivered to the Beverley Hills Bel Age for a pool party on the top floor, and they spike the Starbucks with some Irish Cream to be extra festive...

Makes me appreciate the fact that I can just, get in my truck with my best friend and drive from SF to San Diego like I'm planning on... I couldn't imagine being held captive by people that *like me* or want to make money off my likeness. Thank god I'll always have a face and body for radio!

I'll post that story for you on the next entry RDD since you can't see my LJ!

Wednesday, 17 November 2004 - 10:50 AM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

Way to cool for turkey, pseudonymous celebrity bloggers generally have ostrich (more protein, less fat, more bird). The downside: the fight over who gets the neck.

Wednesday, 17 November 2004 - 11:11 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Wow Rance, you're so verbose as of late...

No wish bone? That's just un-American...Ostriches aren't even native to the continent...

What about cranberry sauce and dressing, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, potato salad, and pumpkin pie?

BTW, did you see the breaking news? PETA now says fish have more shrimp for you, but I forgot, you're a vegan...

Thursday, 18 November 2004 - 8:55 AM CST

Name: rancette

Hey Rance, BTW, what are you doing for Thanksgiving (besides eating ostrich)?

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