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Rance wuz here...
Friday, 5 November 2004

Interesting plans for the weekend?

Anyone? If so, share them here. As for me and mine, I intend to trot down to the Legion Hall for a fabulous dining experience this evening. Sounds inviting no? I'll admit, it may not sound tempting, nor is the atmosphere anything to write home about, but the food...fabulous. A mouth watering rib-eye that falls apart in your mouth, orange roughy that crumbles at the touch of a fork, homemade salad dressing that is out of this world good, so good that I'd drink it if no salad were available, and crab cakes that even a crab would love. Never mind that you're sitting at a card table covered with a thrift store tablecloth, or that the chair you're sitting on is metal and folds up nicely to be transported to the "hall" for the weekly meetings, or the fact that your napkin is a hand towel incognito. It's all about the food...

After dinner we'll mozy on home, perhaps rent a movie. Any good suggestions? Being that the only movies I've seen at the theater over the last year are 1) The Passion of the Christ and 2)The Princess Diaries, Part II or Returns or the Biology or the sequel...whatever.... So, it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll successfully suggest a movie I've never seen.

I must say that I've already received several entries for the new contest and they're great. It's going to be very hard to choose. Keep them coming!

I hope you all have a weekend...anything more is gravy on top...



Posted by captainhoof at 12:07 PM CST
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Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:10 PM CST

Name: deanna

"Butterfly effect" is a really good movie. Also, my friend made me watch something called "Lone Star State of Mind", it was hilarious! I never even heard of it before, but I laughed my butt off.

Have a good weekend!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:22 PM CST

Name: Bubba

That depends on what kind of movie you want:

Comedy, Tragedy, Romance, Drama, Action, Foreign, Musical, Black and White, Oscar winning?

Do you want to laugh, cry, think really hard, or just watch mindless entertainment to take away a long week?

How about a couples movie : Bogart and Bacall, Bening and Beatty, Godzilla Vs. Mothra, Abbott and Costello, Kermit and Miss. Piggy?

Do you want to watch a really good movie with a sad ending, or a really bad movie with an even worse ending that will make you cry it's so bad?

Anything come to mind on what yer poison for the evening is?


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:22 PM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

I hadn't planned on it, but for some reason I'm now in the mood for beef. There's a Lowery's on LaCienega where they have basically two things on the menu: 1. Prime Rib 2. The Larger Portion of Prime Rib. It's hauled around the restaurant in a cart that's like a chrome Batmobile by two slicers the size of linemen. Oh wait, I just remembered, I'm a vegan.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:41 PM CST

Name: Jadestar

Hey RDD,
I have a movie suggestion for you. Jersey Girl. I know, it didn't get great reviews, but I loved this movie. It was very heart-warming, funny and a tear jerker too. I saw it in the theater, as well as rented it with my husband (who didn't want to watch it and ended up loving it too!) I cried both times I watched it. Granted I am pregnant so maybe that had something to do with it! I really think the only reason people didn't go watch it was due to the J-Lo and Ben hype, but I still love Ben just the same. Let us know if you like it, if you end up renting it!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:41 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I've seen most all of the classics. Never have been a Beatty fan, sorry. I'm thinking along the lines of an off-beat comedy that wasn't really pushed by the main stream media...

Too bad I can't go watch The Incredibles this evening...

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:43 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Prime Rib...mmmmmmmmm.

A vegan? You know, you only live once...oh well, I'll send you a bottle of the salad dressing.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:45 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I have rented Butterfly Effect and appreciated it's potential, but was rather disappointed in the ending. However, I later learned I watched the director's cut or vice versa and wasn't too pleased with the ending. Rather bizarre...

Now "Long Star State of Mind" could be a possibility.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:47 PM CST

Name: Bubba

Butterfly Effect may be fun, scary times to some, but I couldn't make it thru the first half because I found the writing too funny (funny in a bad way), and some of the acting also too funny (Ashton is very good loud, not so good at soft),,,There are more holes in this story then fruitcake after someone's picked out all the fruit. It's a really good idea for a movie, but must have been written by a guy on peyote. But, I have heard of a lot of people liking it...Me and my friends found ourselves going "That's stupid, why didn't he do this?" or "That would never happen because it just wouldn't." And the other big one, "Why?"

Don't mean to dump on a movie others liked- I take it all back I LOVED IT, IT WAS BETTER THEN ISHTAR!!


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 1:52 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

We rented this movie a couple of months ago and we both laughed out loud. I think comedy is Mr. Affleck's niche...I like his sarcastic delivery.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:19 PM CST

Name: deanna

You probably watched the theatrical version cause that ending wasn't that good. The directors cut I thought was better. Not a typical kind of ending you would expect.

Another kind of girly movie I like is "13 going on 30". I love 80's music and 80's movies. Don't think hubby will care too much for it, since it is a chick flick.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:22 PM CST

Name: uthinkyouknowme

Just saw Taking Lives last night. It was pretty decent, I thought. My husband loves Angelina Jolie, so he'd be happy if it was just her standing there staring back at us for an hour and a half.

As far as this weekend goes for me... It's family visit time. My grandmother needs some errands ran and hubby's father needs help yanking a bathtub out.

Exciting, I know... But I can't be expected to sky dive and bungee jump every weekend :)


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:30 PM CST

Name: Bard

A recent conversion, Rance, or was all that waxing poetic about shrimp a mere farce? Either way, there will be no removal of the shrimp from the Tripod Order coat of arms. Tofu is neither gules nor rampant (unless you let it sit in your refrigerator for a few months past the expiration date).

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:33 PM CST


Scotland PA is a great off-beat comedy.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:39 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I googled it and this one reads like a winner. Let's hope my local video store has it!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:46 PM CST

Name: TartnTiny

A good ribeye, yum.
I am making Gumbo (daughter's favorite)
Under the radar comedies:

Best in Show
Broadcast news
Lost in America
Noises Off
Happy Texas

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 2:59 PM CST

Name: Cheryl

Sounds perfect. I am on a mission to Atkins myself to death. They could park the cart next to the table and leave you the keys to the slicer, and that is "Atkins Approved". It's amazing. As for movies, I have recently rediscovered the joy and the drama of Naked Gun series... some days, you just can't have it stupid enough. Also, Bad Santa was laugh out loud funny (How Ebert was that?) Really, though, it was great. And it's getting to be that time of year:) Might getcha in the mood...

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 3:00 PM CST

Name: Mel

I couldn't get this to comment off of RDD's comment of Ben in Jersey Girl, but I think you are right on. I think he is alot sexier when he is in a romantic comedy when he is more like his true self. (From what I have seen in interviews, etc..) He should do movies like that more often- I wish I had time to write one for him.

As far as other movies, has anyone see The Grudge, and what did you think??

Well, I never comment in here as there are so many, but I have been checking in every week since about January. This blog has had alot of interesting conversations, & now that there aren't as many people hanging around, I will comment more.

RDD, you are an excellent writer, and it seems you often say what I am thinking. Scary!!

Have a great weekend!!!


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 3:32 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I have not seen the Grudge yet. I will probably wait until it comes out on video.

As to our thinking alike, perhaps we both have common sense...

Glad to see you come out of the shadows, Mel.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 3:34 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I'll add these to my video store list...Surely they'll have one of 'em.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 3:56 PM CST

Name: princessr9

Formula 51 is pretty darn funny, if you're into offbeat british comedy. But probably not for the kids to watch, lots of bad language.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 3:58 PM CST

Name: feenxc

happy thoughts first... a movie suggestion, please don't laugh, but it's one of my favorites: the fifth element. of course, if you can get a hold of a copy, plan 9 from outer space is worth watching, once, while drunk. my boyfriend uses it as a friend test. he makes people watch it, telling them that if they are really his friend, they'll watch it with him. it truly is the worst movie ever made, and quite hysterical, because it's the worst movie ever made.

my weekend was supposed to include celebrating one of my cousins 25th wedding anniversary, planting crocuses for the spring, finishing up winterizing my mom's yard. the unhappy thoughts are because one of my aunts died last nite. so the weekend will be spent keeping an eye on my mom, it was one of her sisters who passed. luckily, we have a BIG family and are very close, so grieving is a family thing, no one is ever alone. just worried about my mom, she's lost my dad, just had to put his dog down, and now this. she's not healthy, so i worry.

sorry to lay all that out on you guys, but the need was there.



Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:01 PM CST

Name: nonnameplease

You should just join NetFlix - It's awesome. I've seen SO many movies in the past three months.... It's kind of ridiculous actually!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:17 PM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

I'm just covering bases in case so that I can neither confirm nor deny that I am vegans. Also, certain bad vegans eat shrimp.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:17 PM CST

Name: Bubba

Uhmmm, movie suggestions at the top of my head:

"In America"- a great story, a little sad, but great!!
Nobody liked "The Four Feathers", but I thought it was an awesome adventure story..and Heath was great.
Equally as good and not seen often is "Charlotte Gray", also adventure-esque drama type movie, but you can never go wrong with Cate Blanchett.

Comedy....I keep trying to think of stuff but my brain isn't working....If you've seen "The Royal Tenenbaum's" (if not, it's good) go back further into the land of Wes Anderson movies and see "Bottle Rocket". You've probably seen "O'Brother Where Art Thou"...If you can go see Napoleon's funny, funny,silly, in a class of it's own.

I can't think of any awesome, crack your back funny movies right now...
I'm off to go see my fella for the weekend, watch some movies (The Fisher King is one of them, which I haven't seen since I was a young'n), and then back here Sunday to go to a Forum on Early Education...I baked banana bread for it.
(I used the word great too many times in this..I'm sounding like Tony The Tiger).

Chaio for now,

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:34 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

So sorry to hear of your loss.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:35 PM CST

Name: NativeGirl

Clearly I skim, rather than read every word because I read this sentence

"My grandmother needs some errands ran and hubby's father needs help yanking a bathtub out"


"My grandmother needs some errands ran and hubby's father needs yanking out of a bathtub."

Now that would be an interesting weekend!

Re the movies, have you ever seen The Office? It is not a movie, rather a British sitcom that I understand is now available on DVD. Very hilarious. I find that I am often disappointed with movies that are billed as comedies because they just don't deliver the laughs I expect or the jokes are too canned. I seem to have better luck just watching a good movie that has some terrific funny moments. Rushmore is a great movie. If you haven't seen it, definately rent it. Also, for pure gut-busting entertainment that flies way above the radar, you can't go wrong with Legally Blond. Gotta love Reese Witherspoon. Have a great weekend.


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:40 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Hollywood Knights is the only one I can think of off the top of my head, but I've already seen it.

You should see the original Four Feathers if you haven't...

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 4:48 PM CST

Name: Mikeeeee

DEL TACO! MMMMMMMMMM Yes, I'm driving 100 miles round trip to go from Rohnert Park to UC Davis for Del Taco drive thru. I could also go to Antioch (knows as Anti-Cock to a gay friend of mine) for Del Taco... Oh god, I miss San Diego, Oceanside to be exact. A Del on every corner where Taco Bell is too high priced/classed for you... mmmmmmmmmm 1/2 Pound GREEN, not red, but GREEN burrito. 2 of them. 1 order of MACHO NACHOS, and 2 big fat chicken tacos. Add a Macho COKE, and you're set. God, I can hear myself getting fatter right now just thinking about it...

If I'm ever a semi-rich (finacially) man, I'm spending $150,000 to open up a trio of locations in Sonoma/Marin county. We need to spread the joy to the bay area!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 5:05 PM CST

Name: ladyinred

We laughed, we cried,....I gazed longingly at the screen. I thought this movies was very good-- I bought it the day after we rented it. Ben was excellent, as usual. I, for one, cannot wait to see his new indie flick currently being filmed!

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 5:11 PM CST

Name: princessr9

Hugs hugs hugs.

My condolences to you and your mom.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 5:32 PM CST

Name: Curious Girl


I have a recommendation for a sweet little indie film I saw a couple of years ago and loved.

It's called "Two Family House" if you have kidlets they wouldn't be too interested, but it's a very heartwarming movie for grownups - perfect for a chilly November weekend.

As for me, I'm doing laundry this weekend and not much else 'cause I'm dead broke.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 5:34 PM CST

Name: Bard
Home Page:

Destination: Japanese Bath House

Steam room (filled with fragrant rosemary plants), hot soak, cold plunge, sauna. Repeat (for about 3 or 4 hours).

Dinner: sashimi and copious amounts of sake

Movie: Kurosawa's Seven Samurai

My sympathies for your loss, feenxc.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 5:47 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I envy you again...except for the cold plunge and the sashimi...brrrrrr and yuck....

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 6:52 PM CST

Name: Lanie

I loved Jersey Girl! I am a huge Kevin Smith fan, not to mention that other guy.....purrrrrrr.....anyway.

RDD--I'm also a little behind on what's out and happening, being that I spend most of my spare time here. But recently I rented Man on Fire with Denzel. Great movie. Also today I saw Raising Helen, laughed, cried, laughed. In that order. It was really good.


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 6:56 PM CST

Name: Lanie

I agree, Napolean Dynamite was good. Then again, it came out of Idaho! lol sidebar: Lanie is in works to be a PA on their next project.

Movin' on up.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 9:46 PM CST

Name: Lisa Marie

Hey RDD -

My roommate saw the Grudge and said it was so scary that it kept her up for 2 nights. So go only if you have a strong constitution.

In regards to good flixs...maybe go with a classic like The Breakfast Club or Dirty Dancing. Remember, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"

As for me I am baking some apple pies, having dinner at a friends and doing laundry.

Have a great weekend
Hugs & Kisses


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 9:54 PM CST

Name: Sass

Happy Texas. (Midget tailors.)

Waiting for Guffman. (That dance Christopher did in those low slung jeans.....THE FUNNIEST)

(Oh these are all comedies and we do need the laughter...)

Broadcast news. (what great dialog...I saw it recently on TV and had forgotten how great it was..)

The old original..The Producers.
The old .....What's Up Doc? (remember Eunice?)
Oh now I'm just getting silly....this was on yesterday.
"Young Frankinstein" Gene Wilder....and the knockers..
"Dr. Strangelove..." "..there's no fighting in the war room..."

Sometimes the old ones are still the best.
Although Bottle Rocket, Raising Arizona, ....oh there are a lot.
later, I may go to the video store....


Friday, 5 November 2004 - 10:06 PM CST

Name: rancette

ha ha!!! Just saw ISHTAR this week. An amazing coincedence. My favorite part is when Dustin screams unintelligibly in what is supposed to be another language, but really he's just making up his own language as he goes along. That movie was pretty bad.

I also happened to rent All the President's Men this week. AMAZING movie.

Also... I heart Huckabee's was great. I'm dying to see the MOtorcycle Diaries. There are just too many good movies and not enough time.

Friday, 5 November 2004 - 10:18 PM CST

Name: Labnsabys

Thanks, RDD, for asking the movie question...I now have a lengthy list to work from the next time I hit Blockbuster! I am somewhat of a dinosaur in that I haven't gone DVD yet, so the oldies will soon be all that I am able to rent.

The weekend at the Labsnabys household will be spent tearing out the last remnants of the vegetable garden and prepping the kitchen walls for painting. Oh, and packing for a visit with the folks in So. Cal. I hope it's warmer there! We had our first real snow this week, and I'm missing my old climate.

I'm sorry for your loss, feenxc. Take care.

Saturday, 6 November 2004 - 3:54 PM CST

Name: carla

You should check out "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind", if you haven't seen it yet.
Best film of the year so far for me. I'm not big on Jim Carey or Kate Winslet, but they're great in it. Charlie Kaufman is great!
I liked Jersey Girl, it a fun film, Ben is no DeNiro but I think people/media are being too harsh on him. He's smart, he's witty and he's a decent actor. Sure, he made some bad career moves, but I still think there is a lot worse...
Anyway, have a nice weekend you all.

Monday, 8 November 2004 - 8:02 AM CST

Name: uthinkyouknowme

lol... well, if it had been the way you read it, NG, it would have been extremely more interesting than it actually was. Turns out 10 hours of remodeling someone else's bathroom does not make for a festive day. But since it was for his dad, it's all good.


Monday, 8 November 2004 - 3:26 PM CST

Name: princessr9

I work right around the corner from a Del Taco!

Monday, 8 November 2004 - 7:14 PM CST

Name: Mojo

Ok I know it is late, that is for weekend talk but I was indisposed due to my post electoral intoxication. Yes I successfully managed to find my inner drunk. Nov 2 still hurts but head hitting the bathroom floor hurt worse....

You need to rent Swimming Pool, from last year, a french film and then please tell me what the fuck it is about. I have had three people watch it we all came away with different theories and none could agree.....not for kids though... although teenage boys would wear out the DVD on this film....wait til they are in bed.

Saturday, 13 November 2004 - 8:39 PM CST

Name: luvszoe

Yes, 5th Element is a great movie...
We have to watch that in its entirety everytime it comes on TBS...

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