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Rance wuz here...
Monday, 1 November 2004

Here is an article I read today over at the Guardian that I thought I would share with you all on this election eve.


Please note that I am in no way endorsing either candidate nor attempting to influence your vote. I merely found it thought provoking and wished to see what thoughts it would elicit from this incredible group of people that gather here on a daily basis....That includes you too Rance. Any humdingers will be considered for front page billing...



Posted by captainhoof at 7:45 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 1 November 2004 7:56 PM CST
Post Comment | View Comments (37) | Permalink

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 8:47 PM CST

Name: feenxc

ok, i read the article. quite an interesting guy...sure do wish i knew where he was encountering that rampant sex. i have had nieces, nephews, sisters, a brother, retc., in college, and none, i repeat, none participated in that kind of crap. oh yeah, three were football players. so i'm wondering how honest his interviewees were? i ain't stoopid, i know it goes on, but most likely not to the extent he writes about. he talks about the "elite" in this country being out of touch with us little people, i think maybe he is too. of course, that wouldn't sell books, would it?

there i go again, giving away my last 2 cents.


Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:36 PM CST

Name: squara-n
Home Page:

There are a lot of things that I could say about that, but this bugs me:

" And John Kerry? "He is a man no one should worry about, because he has no beliefs at all. He is not going to introduce some manic radical plan, because he is poll-driven, and it is therefore impossible to know where or for what he stands." "

That irritates me to no end. There is this whole "flip-flop" "he has no opinion" slant put to Kerry, and I think it is extremely misleading to young voters. He has views of his own I am sure, but he also takes into account the views and feeling of the PEOPLE that elected him. He takes into consideration all sides of an issue, and respects the opinions of others. This may mean that he, being fair to all sides, may change his stance on something when he hears a good arguemnt on why he should, or when he sees something that isnt working. THIS IS A FLAW? I would think that everyone would like to have a leader that thinks before he acts, and whom makes decisions in the best interests of not only his personal interests, but those of the public at large.

I would much rather have my leader admit he was wrong and take a different stance, than have a leader who can't admit he is wrong and just keeps plodding along dragging a nation further and further into a political and ethical pond of quicksand. There is no honor in being a stubborn mule with blinders on. There is no honor in not being able to get up and say "hey guys, my bad".

I want my leader to change his mind when he is presented with a fair and just argument to do so, I want him to have the dignity to say he made a bad choice, and I want him to tell me that he made this mess and he is going to fix it.

It isnt "flip flopping" it is ACCOUNTABILTY to a public whom you are the voice for. America changes and I want a leader who can change with me. I don't want to elect a president who is going to tell me what I am going to do, I want to elect a president who is going to listen to what I want to do and work with me to make it happen.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:49 PM CST


this site sucks now

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 1:24 AM CST

Name: Sass

It's wonderful that here we can post any article we want. Think the way we want. Vote the way we want.
I'm voting for John Kerry.

Bush is not a good president.
(He doesn't seem like that great of a person either.)
This isn't because George is not cool and Kerry is. Or that Rance seems to stand by Kerry. I live in the center of one of the most conservative spots on the planet. But I'm not deaf, dumb and blind.

Hunter Thompson states my feelings much better than I do.
His article is up on this link:

Glad you are encouraging discussion here, Rubber. Hopeful that you'll vote for Kerry. It's just too important.

I'm not one of those to say, please just vote.

Not if you're voting for Bush.

I'm with Hunter. We need to run that ass out of town.
Out of the country would be nice.



Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 11:24 AM CST

Name: Bubba

I heart Hunter, because he's insane. But, he lives in one of the most conservative, anti-homosexual states in the country. A place where skiing is more important then maintaining strong gun laws. But, he lives up in the mountains and only has to deal with bears and accidentally shooting his assistant. It's nice that he married her, "I'm really sorry that I thought you were a bear, will you marry me?" Isn't that precious?...gotta love the guy.

I didn't read RDD article, and reading these posts makes me glad that I chose not to. It would only make me really really mad, which is something I don't need to be on election day..Calm good thoughts are what I need..and reading it will only further my sexist ideology that women are the superior gender...maybe I'll read it later so that I can make fun of the guy, maybe I'll say something like "It's obvious this dude hasn't been told he's a real man since his bar mitzvah." Or, "Peter Piper picked a pepper." Yeah, that'll teach him.

Democracy Rules!, That's why we've gotta get out of this Dictatorship!,


(I'm off to go vote, I'll report back later.)

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 1:22 PM CST

Name: Mark Bastian

We're in no dictatorship. Shame on you! The fact that you wrote that tripe and it is still posted is evidence that you live in a constitutional republic where your rights to free speech are assured. I just wish you would grow up and realize that with this right comes the responsibility to get your facts straight--not to mention the responsibility to express something other than a knee-jerk, ad hominum attack against a sitting President during a time of war. Bush is making sure your sorry ass stays safe and that we don't have to fight this war HERE!

Remember how we all came together after 9/11? Well, that lasted until the first lib saw fit to exploit the situation for political gain. I think the more complacent we get, the more fractious we get. It's as though we need to always be bitching about something, and we gripe all the louder the less important the issue is. We share a common enemy though: terrorism. Yes, the World Trade Center was destroyed and the Pentagon was badly damaged--that wasn't a movie or dramatization. Those were over 3,000 people murdered in cold blood ON U.S. SOIL. Wake up, you lazy, immature, irresponsible, ungrateful ASSES! If we'd acted this way during WWII we'd be speaking German now, and wouldn't have the right to publish our opinions.

And the fact that many libs who read this article are upset shows that its points hit home. Especially the fact that Kerry is driven by polls and political expediency.

This isn't so much about Kerry's flip-flops. It goes deeper. Even when he gives a single stance on an issue, it is a politically-driven stance.

Bush made the most difficult choice to go to war against terrorism, and has stuck with it--rightly so I might add--even though it could cost him reelection. I admire his decision, his conviction, and his willingness to sacrifice his political career for the greater good.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 3:01 PM CST

Name: phaedria

Amen Mark! I voted for Bush too.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 3:18 PM CST

Name: Bubba

Hey you said it buddy, "right to free speech", I can say what I want to say. Shame on you for pulling the shame on you act, they are as The Bard (not our Bard here in Ranceland) once said, only "words, words, words."

But why is it that if I had gone to a Bush rally and worn an anti Bush t-shirt or a pro Kerry shirt I would have been told to turn it inside out or to leave immediately? That's denial of that same constitutional right, right?.

Your violent profanity laced anger only shows a scary side to the continental divide among americans that could become the next civil war..only it won't bring about more american deaths then any other war combined as the CW did, it will bring about more hatred and discourse that will tear apart this country and lead the rest of the world to turn their backs on us. And perhaps that hatred and discourse will lead to more civil unrest and violence in this country.

We are more at war here in this country, as your anger demonstrates, then we are elsewhere in the world. More people are murdered in cold blood right here on U.S. soil every year ( more then 11,000, that's every year) then by terrorists overseas. So while we fight, and fight, and fight, and fight, and continue on with our small scale vietnam war, we forget to take care of each other and work to help our fellow americans. We ignore the rising divorce rate because we are more concerned with homosexuals trying to get married, we ignore the decline of education because we are more concerned with weapons of mass destruction that never existed, we ignore the rising amounts of wounded and maimed soldiers because we're more concerned with Kerry's stint in Vietnam, and the beat goes on and on.

Shouldn't we be for American's and not against each other? Shouldn't we be trying to fix our own country instead of trying to instill it's Americanization elsewhere? Shouldn't we be fighting together to bring home soldiers instead of fighting about why they are there? Two bombs blew up in Iraq today, two blew up yesterday, even though Saddam is gone, there will always be another in his place, and another after that. This is a war we cannot win, and yet we cannot stop to see how it's affecting our own country.
Americans now hate each other, when they should be helping each other.

That's as sad as a wet kitten, and as scary as a clown.

Love and Peace,


Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 4:02 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I must say kudos to feenxc for the following two reasons:

a: She read the article.

b: Her comment was non-partisan.

I have to admit that I am an independent and for the most part find both major parties up to their eyeballs in propoganda. It turns me off like a 50 year old light bulb.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 5:17 PM CST

Name: feenxc

thanks rdd, but i'm kinda embarrassed. i reread my comment, read everybody else's, realized that i, and i alone zeroed in on the sex aspect. haven't seen my boyfriend for 2 weeks (schedule conflict, grumble, grumble) and i think that may have influenced me. i wonder....



Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 5:39 PM CST

Name: Grace
Home Page:

I find it absolutely laughable that you're harping on her opinion under the sanctimonious argument of "getting your facts straight" before stating it. Imagine now, if President Bush got his facts straight before going into Iraq. Oh, if only he listened to you first!!! He'd be a shoe-in for a second term now if he did. Osama Bin Laden would be locked in some jail cell if he did. The economy wouldn't be in the horrible condition it is if it did.

Here's a fact. America is NOT at war. If there was a REAL war going on, there wouldn't be this election right now and the country wouldn't be so divided right now.

September 11, 2001 happened 3 years ago. What exactly has Bush accomplished since then aside from giving Halliburton carte blanche of the taxpayers' money? What he done besides alienating the world shortly after everyone having their backs and standing side by side? What has he done besides spread LIES and MISTRUTHS about his opponent so he can continue with more of the same that's happened for the past four years.

One hundred thousand innocent Iraqi citizens have died on foreign soil at the hands of this President. Thousands of Sudanese have died due to the inability of this President. One thousand American soldiers have died under his rule.

The only thing worse than a person who flip flops is one who goes down with the ship and takes all his mates with him proclaiming to be right and just.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 6:45 PM CST

Name: Labsnabys

There are plenty of Bush supporters who frequent this blog. We just have not all chosen to get dragged into discussions with people who so passionately support Kerry. I would rather save my breath for someone whose mind is not yet made up. But thank you, Mark, for being such a willing target!

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 7:06 PM CST

Name: TartnTiny

Great article.
As an independant voter, I am tired of the govermental bully machine.
It seems government is so well fed and fat, it will never want to revamp itself. Instead of candidates truly working for the citizens,...they seem to self preserve themselves with bribes and lobbying.

Take the pharmaceuticals fat cats.

The fact that a months RX of ALLEGRA can cost an uninsured person upwards of 70 bucks a month and an insured person 40 bucks in and of its self is outrageous.
However, the irony is that these same patients can go online and buy it OVER THE COUNTER in Canada for 20 bucks or so.

Believe me when I say that our fabulously innovative pharmaceutical companies are making a killing at our expense.

Now I agree that we have the best health care in the world and there is not another place I would want to be really sick.
But the fact that doctors and pharmaceutical companies have a sort of incestous relationship, is like criminals deciding how much "time" they should have to serve. We are talking major moola kickbacks, and if you doubt that,
next time you stroll into your doctor's office tell him you want to try a different medication than the one he prescribes.
Last but not least.........BIRTH CONTROL.
This is a major money maker, big time. Most of you will remember the Seinfeld episode "Sponge Worthy" and for those who don't, many moons ago a company made the Today Sponge for the many women unable to use synthetic hormones.
Anyone who had to suffer thru the horrors of condoms, knows that The Today Sponge was a sheer blessing.
That is until they were mysteriously removed from the market in the early 90s.
Finally after years of outcries, a company purchased the product and begin to reproduce it.
The dilemma? Seems our governmental FDA kept rescheduling the latest inspections with ridiculous new guidelines. Finally in desperation at having invested tons of money the company threw in the towel and opened up shop in CANADA.
Jobs lost and a great alternative birth control now out of reach of millions of Americans.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 7:47 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Well said tiny...

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 7:59 PM CST

Name: TartnTiny

I prefer to be called Tart.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 8:09 PM CST

Name: Bard

It was an interesting article, RDD. Thanks for posting it. I will have to check the book out from the library. I am sure I will grow misty-eyed with nostalgia for the ivy-covered halls of my alma mater, with its ubiquitous sex and foul-mouthed co-eds. I am sure nothing of the sort occurs at good old Washington and Lee (where Wolfe attended college). Ivy League sports have always been somewhat comic, in that none of the schools offer athletic scholarships (or at least they did not when I was a student). Shame on you, Ivies, for lowering admissions standards to matriculate a few talented athletes! That privilege was supposedly reserved solely for those whose parents contributed directly to the endowment fund.

Am I the only one who found it ironic that Wolfe chose to expound on the arrogance of the Northeast intelligensia while comfortably ensconced in a multi-million dollar Manhattan penthouse? I don't have much to say about Wolfe's commentary about the moral decay of the US other than I see his finger pointing at me and my friends. (None of the Republicans I know are voting for Bush.) And I did get a giggle at the neat slam at Giuliani moving his mistress into the mayor's residence while he was still married. (I don't think his wife even moved out.)

As an interesting aside, has posted that Zogby, the polling firm, is calling the election for Kerry in an electoral college landslide, 311 to 213. Its exit polling, though, shows Bush ahead in the popular vote by a tiny margin, 49.4% to 49.1% (the margin of error on the poll is +/- 3.2%, though, and the sample was relatively small). Perhaps this will be the election that leads to the end of the electoral college.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 8:17 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Yes ma'am...or sir...whichever it may be

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 10:25 PM CST

Name: WendyJo

Hmpphh. I had hoped the LAST election would have led to the end of the electoral college. I am cynical enough to assume that a President elected by the college (and not by the popular vote) will go on and he think that the continuation of the electoral college will do just fine and dandy. Why mess with what got him into office?

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 2:06 AM CST

Name: Jamie

You're a butt pirate, RDD.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 8:06 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Nice to meet you as well Jamie...

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 9:07 AM CST

Name: Bubba

No matter what the outcome of the counting, and counting, and dragging's on, I have just a few things to say:

1) Exit polls are worthless, and depressing for both parties at different times for different reasons.

2) Congratulations and Thank Yous should be given to non partisan groups like "Citzen Change (VOTE OR DIE!)" and "Make Them Listen to Us" for getting young people and African Americans to turnout in record numbers. Hopefully Sean Combs will keep up the good work in the years to come. He did something that hasn't been done before, politicians tend to ignore the youth vote, and he pushed them to do their duty.

3) I'm sad to see Tom Daschle go, he should have stayed in South Dakota more often, but I'm glad to see Barack Obama move into the senate. The minority party in the senate needs a few good men and women...since their numbers are diminishing.

4) I'm late for work because I decided to write this.

5) RDD made me think that it was wrong to voice an opinion about being partisan to one group or the other, so I tried to keep this one clean in hopes that I don't offend, but that is unlikely.

6) I hope Rance is still alive and hasn't drank himself to death after the probable outcome of this aggressive election. (Maybe it will but some piss back into his vinegar or vice versa).

7) Either way this goes, our country is still quite divided, is still hurting from things that are happening here and not across oceans, and is still looked down upon by much of the globe. How do we work it out? Together, or by fighting?

8) Now that the election is almost over, what will we talk about here at Rancetera? What will spike the postings count if not Republicans verses Democrats verses Independents? I fear the end is near.


Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 10:00 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

My intention for posting this article was to share an amusing piece that was well written. If you had read the article you would have realized that in reality it wasn't a partisan piece at all, or really even about politics, but more about social class and the interesting perceptions of Mr. Wolfe...That is why I gave kudos to feenxc.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 10:07 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

You make me laugh...

As far as the polls, I think this election should lead to the end of the polls...It's like trying to find out what's under the Christmas tree the day before Christmas...why can't they just wait until Christmas and find out legitimately what's there instead of ruining it for everybody...

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 11:25 AM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

I would like to say one thing in favor or Pres. Bush: He will not outlaw liquor.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 11:40 AM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Two things...

a: How do you know this?

b: Where's the rant? I've expected one since 11:00 a.m. CST and nothing, nada. I must say you're handling this well...

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 12:33 PM CST

Name: Cheryl

Well, I hope you're right about this. It's the least he could do. Asshole.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 12:53 PM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

1. My thoughts are on liquor.

2. It's like your gorgeous brain surgeon friend calls and tells you she married an fat stupid greaseball who intends to sponge off her. What can you say?

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 2:39 PM CST

Name: Ron Mwangaguhunga
Home Page:

Rance, can you make the hurt go away?

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 3:25 PM CST

Name: Mojo

Thank you Rance
You made me laugh today. Not finding much funny, but am enjoying the London real estate websites.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 4:40 PM CST

Name: Bubba

Ouch. I think you miss interpreted my post, and for that matter the one I wrote about why I chose not to read the article didn't have anything to do with not reading it because of politics, but because I didn't want to read about the elite, yet again. Especially on such a crazy anxiety-ridden day.

But then again, I may have miss read your snaps for feenxc as being a put down shot directly at me...Intuition can lead to paranoia. In the last post I was saying that your kudos (a delicious and yet usually small granola bar)to her made me think that I should try and be less IN YOUR FACE (not Ben Stiller's show in Reality Bites). That's the problem with computers (They make everyone suddenly autistic and unable to understand emotional continent) you can never tell how it's said, and vocal changes and facial expressions make a world of difference in how people interpret things. (Sorry about all the quotations, I was trying to show no hostility by being funny).


Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 5:18 PM CST

Name: Bard

I'm glad at least one person finds me entertaining, RDD. For the nonce, my legacy of privilege includes yet another all-nighter thumping on the constitution and shouting into the wind.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 7:05 PM CST

Name: llew

My sympathies to you all.

Is it true that the producers of the vintage horror Omen films are updating Omen 3 by reshooting the ending so that Sam neill's character (Damian, the Antichrist) survives & is seen in flashforward celebrating his 2nd term presidential victory?

And who was it said you'd all be speaking German if you'd acted the same way in WWII? You mean Japanese, surely? The US wanted no bar of the European fracas - preferred its Euro allies to go it alone... sound familiar? - & only responded to the Japanese attack on pearl harbour. Don't you guys know that?


I forgive you all only because of the Simpsons.

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 9:48 PM CST

Name: Sass

OK, America's the hot surgeon, george is the fat what does that make cheney, jerry falwell and karl rove?

There's not enough liquor.

What's a butt pirate RDD?

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 10:24 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I envy you though...

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 10:27 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

(They make everyone suddenly autistic and unable to understand emotional continent)...which one? Australia or Africa...or is Australia just an island....

Don't fret, I've got plenty to go around. Here, have a kudo...and don't worry, I know exactly what you mean...

Wednesday, 3 November 2004 - 10:29 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

My upbringing won't allow me to elaborate, but google it and you'll find out lickity split...

Thursday, 4 November 2004 - 11:18 AM CST

Name: Bubba

Haha, that's funny, thanks for noticing the typo, I love laughing at my own mistakes (my boyfriend used to make fun of me in emails for writing "sense" when I should have been writing "since")...I'm gonna go with Antartica on that one...that's the "island" of lost computers...perhaps you should send your's there if it gets too cranky. Mine had a problem where it wouldn't let me send any emails and I threatened to send it to Juvenile Hall, it hasn't talked back "cents".

lot's o' warmth on a chilly day,

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