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Rance wuz here...
Monday, 1 November 2004
News Item: Rubber Duckie Guilty of Vice
It is with great pleasure, as well all of the platitudes generally found in letters of this sort, that I hereby announce the promotion of Rubber Duckie to the positions of Vice Rance and Chief Operating Officer, effective as soon as I finishing typing this letter.

At a time when this blog was adrift, Rubber Duckie appeared and not only provided a rudder (please feel free to replace "rudder," etc., with good water fowl metaphors if you've got them; I've still got a whopping candy corn hangover and the caffeine's yet to kick in), but steered it in a new and wonderful direction--no less than the digital equivalent of a literary salon. She is a fantastic administrator, an equally gifted writer, and a swell bird--I'm thankful she wasn't among the barrelful shot by Mr. Cheney.

I now turn the control panel over to Rubber Duckie and look forward to the ride.



Administrative Note:

Not to detract from Rubber Duckie's promotion, but it's been brought to our attention that there are "captainhoof"s and "rance"s keeping blogs elsewhere (notably mindsay) and purporting to be one and the same as the people (or machines) responsible for this site. They ain't.

Posted by captainhoof at 11:00 AM CST
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Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:17 AM CST

Name: WendyJo

Is this your swan song, Rance?

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:22 AM CST

Name: mS lAUREN
Home Page:

sings heartily, "Rubber're the one..." :)

I hope that makes up some for the Cards. don't worry...there's always next year for our teams (although don't shoot me for rooting for the Cubbies in the NL next year ;)

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:22 AM CST

Name: Trish Cavendish
Home Page:

Rubber Duckie, congratulations on your promotion! Also, a belated thank you for all you've done to make this blog one I look forward to hitting everyday even after Rance went off to fry other fish.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:26 AM CST

Name: Rosco M. Hatten
Home Page:

Way to go, Rubber Duckie!

Now getting down to business, how many DVPs (Duck Version Points (?)) are you offering up as a bounty on the rance and captainhoof at mindsay?

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 11:39 AM CST

Name: Professor X

Congratulations, Rubber Duckie. I eagerly wait the next entries from your modern-day version of the Algonquin Round Table.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 12:12 PM CST

Name: Grace
Home Page:

Someone pass me the smelling salt. Rance, my dear burger flipper. You're falling down on the job. I realize the election is stressful but it's also been the practice of Rance to neither confirm nor deny anything regarding Rance confirming or denying anything!!

Yesterday was the first time since time immemorial I've cheered for the GB Packers.

Congrats on the promotion Rubber Duckie. Is this not how the world is supposed to run? We've never once question Rubber Duckie's religious beliefs, the time she's served in Vietnam, whether she's for or against abortion, her stance on machine guns in the hands of citizens or even if she's *gasp* a republican. She was promoted based on the fact she knows how to do the job and does it well.

Let's hope all the Americans recognize that ability in Senator Kerry tomorrow.


Monday, 1 November 2004 - 12:13 PM CST

Name: princessr9

Congratulations RDD!! This imposter stuff is really getting old. Why can't everybody just be themselves?

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 1:26 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Just a few notes...

Rance, I think you give me far too much credit, but I excitedly accept the title of VR and daddy would be proud. What can I say, you're swell as well.

To all commentators, new and old, just a few rules:

1. There are no rules.

2. Things will be run much the same with one exception, comments will more than likely be put up on a more frequent basis. The rapid exchanges that are conversation will be encouraged.

3. THIS IS STILL RANCE'S BLOG! Just think of yourself as his entertainment. After all, entertainers need to be entertained too...

4. All private posts will be kept in the strictest of confidence. Please know that all notes sent to the attention of Rance or captainhoof that are of a private nature will be promptly delivered.

Beginning Wednesday we will embark on a new literary adventure that I hope you all will participate in. This one will be in the form of a contest. Stay tuned today and tomorrow though as I will be flying by the seat of my pants. I kind of wanted to leave things open due to the election and the possibility of an ensuing collosal cluster of a mess. So, if anyone has anything incredibly interesting to say from now through tomorrow post it. You never know, it might just make the front page.



Monday, 1 November 2004 - 1:32 PM CST

Name: waxwing

May we assume that your abdication proceeds from this point onward and will not retroactively include private correspondence from former community members to former Rance(s) and Admin Staff? I hope so.

I congratulate you, Rubber Duckie, bird to bird.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 1:34 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Well, if it were solely up to me I would offer a front page column to the blogger who exposes the imposter(s) for who they are...However, it is not my name they are using, thus I will pass this question on to Rance...Should we offer up a bounty?

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 1:41 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

Your assumption would be correct waxwing...

Thank you for the congratulatory words.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 2:27 PM CST

Name: Sass

This is cool. And also everyone can pay back Rance and entertain he and the Captainhoofs for a bit. Congrats Rubber.
Communications still open..that's cool...a great arrangement.
Rance we never doubted that the fakes were the fakes...
Go Rubber and GO KERRY! PLEASE.

By the time Rance checks in the counrty may be in an all out civil war. The problem being.....there's no mason dixon line.
It seems split wide open in the middle of every family, home, neighborhood and community. God help us all.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 2:29 PM CST

Name: John Kerry

Dear Supporter,

During this campaign I have asked you for so much -- your time, your energy, and your financial support. Today, I ask you for one final thing -- your vote.

Tomorrow, Americans will face a choice.

How will we find our way forward? How will we keep America safe, and keep the American dream alive?

I believe we begin by giving this country we love a fresh start. This morning, I would like to give you as plainly as I can the summary of my case on how -- together -- we can change America.

I believe we begin by moving our economy, our government, and our society back in line with our best values.

I believe we do whatever it takes to lead our troops to success and bring them home safe. And when they do come home, I believe we begin by rebuilding an America with a strong middle class where everyone has the chance to work and the opportunity to get ahead.

Tomorrow, you can choose a fresh start. You can choose a president who will defend America and fight for the middle-class.

You can choose between four more years of George Bush's policy to ship jobs overseas and give tax breaks to the companies that do it -- or a president who will reward the companies that create and keep good jobs here in the United States of America.

Tomorrow you will face a choice between four more years of George Bush's giveaways to the big drug companies and the big HMOs -- or a president who will finally make health care a right, and not a privilege, for every American.

This election is a choice between four more years of tax giveaways for millionaires along with a higher tax burden for you -- or a president who will cut middle-class taxes, raise the minimum wage, and make sure we guarantee women an equal day's pay for an equal day's work.

Tomorrow, America faces a choice between four more years of an energy policy for big oil, of big oil, and by big oil -- or a president who finally makes America independent of Mideast oil in ten years. A choice between George Bush's policy that just yesterday showed record profits for oil companies and record gas prices for American consumers. I believe that America should rely on our own ingenuity and innovation, not the Saudi Royal family.

Tomorrow this campaign will end. The election will be in your hands. If you believe we need a fresh start in Iraq; if you believe we can create and keep good jobs here in America; if you believe we need to get health care costs under control; if you believe in the promise of stem cell research; if you believe our deficits are too high and we're too dependent on Mideast oil then I ask you to join me and together we'll change America.

I ask for your vote and I ask for your help. When you go to the polls bring your friends, your family, your neighbors. No one can afford to stand on the sidelines or sit this one out.

And in return for your hard work, you have my commitment to always fight for you, to always be on your side. In the words of Bruce Springsteen that have become the theme of this campaign. "We've made a promise we swore we'd always retreat and no surrender."

Tomorrow we will change America and with your help I will always keep that promise to you.

Thank you,

John Kerry

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 2:59 PM CST

Name: Bubba

My favorite bird gets a promotion, and a letter from Kerry, it's just too much the day before d-day..The D standing for "Don't forget to vote", and "Democrat". Also it stands for "Don't let long lines freak you out and make you turn away", it will be well worth the wait, they give you a sticker!! There's nothing better then a free sticker!!

Keep on truckin' my barn yard friend, best of luck, we all saw what it did to Rance, don't be deterred, if you ever need help- I'm willing and usually able.

Dump the Grump: Cheney never smiles, never gives eye contact,


Monday, 1 November 2004 - 3:08 PM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

It was supposed to be about a duck. If I go singing about swans, you'll know it.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 3:16 PM CST

Name: Rance
Home Page:

Captain Hoof has made the point that they are doing our work for us. Accordingly, I wish them luck. If they don't do an adequate job, though, a bounty is a good idea (bounties, the captain points out, are subject to the discretion of the COO). And I bet the like of Rosco or Ken or Gus Openshaw's harpoon man can think of some additional consequences that will be fun to read about.

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 3:30 PM CST

Name: NativeGirl

To Rance:

Wow, so this is really it! I'm sorry to see you go - mostly because now I won't get that DVP you promised. Did you have to retire just before the election? You promised DVPs to everyone who voted but now won't be around to hand them out. Damn it! I was soooo close. Really, it has been fun and you will be missed. Thanks for everything and good luck to you.

To the A.S.:

RDD was not the only one who kept things running for a long time after Rance went fishing. Thanks for hanging in there with us.


Congrats on winning the "who wants to be the next Rance" contest. It took Rance long enough to announce it. Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you that this is still Rance's Blog. If he is not writing or moderating, it really isn't his blog any more. I think he basically acknowledged this when he changed the name of the blog. It's not a bad thing, just different. We have a new Captain now and I look forward to more terrific entertainment by the talented people who post here. All hail Captain Rubber Duckie!

Regards to all,

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 4:13 PM CST

Name: feenxc

yeahhhh!!! go, rdd, i am so happy about this, we get you in charge, yet still have contact with rance and his unflagging, loyal admin. i am ecstatic, i am turning cartwheels....well mentally that is. you do know i'm here for ya, don't ya? willing to help out if needed!

rance and admin, i hope you will truly be checking in with us from time to time. this began with you, and even with rdd in charge, we still need you. kisshugs, rance, i think you might need a bunch by now. and admin, i hope someday to deliver your kisshugs personally...i owe you a ton!

kisshugs to all out there. can't wait for what's next.!


Monday, 1 November 2004 - 4:40 PM CST

Name: rancette

Oh brother, now we have a rance impersonator as well as a John Kerry impersonator? (Just when I thought it couldn't get any more interesting...)

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 4:42 PM CST

Name: Ken
Home Page:

Wise choice making Rubber Dee Duckie VR and COO. I will more than happy to be her e-henchman.

Congrats RDD!


Monday, 1 November 2004 - 5:25 PM CST

Name: Rubber Duckie

I'm beginning to feel like a pigeon...

Ken, it's nice to know that I have your e-bilities at my behest. You know I'm gonna need 'em...

Monday, 1 November 2004 - 8:56 PM CST

Name: Bard

Quack and 2 wing flaps up, Rubber Duckie. Before accepting the new gig, I hope you negotiated a golden parachute (or at the very least an industrial size coffee maker). If you need some vice, give me a holler. (I always have a few to spare.)

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 1:01 AM CST

Name: ginny
Home Page:

RDD: Ave!

R: Would you like to be addressed as Rance Emeritus? Kinda classy, that.

Now must get to bed. Vote early, but just the one time, people.

Tuesday, 2 November 2004 - 8:07 AM CST

Name: uthinkyouknowme

Way to go, RDD!


Thursday, 11 November 2004 - 9:01 AM CST

Name: Mrigakshi Samikshaa

Dear Rancy,

Was busy finishing my thesis. Hard to take what happened to this amazing site in couple of months!!!

So are you really gone? Can't you visit us once a month? Surely you can find time for that?

Missing you dude. Sucks without you. Hope you can make it.

Take care,

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