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Rance wuz here...
Thursday, 19 August 2004
Re: Various Things
Re: Rocky. Boy, sending him to the mound was a miscalculation. The thinking: his experiences would provide, at the very least, pure, unadulterated escapism. Rock star, hot groupie, extraordinary circumstances... But you hated it. (Sadly, I think that had many of Rocky's critics known the truth about him, he'd have instead received ten times as many invitations to naked bowling parties, links to pornographic pix, etc., as I have. (Incidentally, he would like that.))

As for [Withheld]--let's call her W if only because it's easier to type--very few moments of her life are devoid of glamor. So it seemed she might be of interest to you along similar lines. In hindsight, Ben Hecht's take on The Famous should have been taken into account: "We find pleasure not in how they surpass us but how they resemble us." Maybe that's why the entry on this blog that prompted the most energetic responses was about buying toilet paper. And now that I think about it, which is more interesting? The fab details of W's trailer on her current movie set or the details of the one in which she'll be living fifteen years hence--once her star has dimmed and the money's gone--with the out-of-work grip she married, the three kids, and the additional seventy-five pounds.

I could write about when I bought Q-Tips. Also, there was that time back in my zany, younger days when I purchased gum. I'm off grocery stories and such these days however, but thanks for asking. Onto escapist stuff. If I manage to get a book out, by the way, perhaps you'll know I wrote it because I'll neither confirm nor deny writing it. Or maybe you'll recognize the writing. Or maybe chapter 23 will give away the game, the one where the hero buys toilet paper and drives away in his Viper.

In the meantime, as one or two of you have asked, what about this site?

One possibility: We stick with the Find-a-new-Rance strategy. Right, that hasn't worked so good so far. Last week, though, a large media corporation contacted the Administrative Staff and offered to run a New Rance contest. Say we agree? And say they find someone? My thinking is the blog would find itself in the same quandary it was early this summer: too many comments for the Administrative Staff to adequately moderate--at least until the government legislates a thirty-hour day. Yeah, I know, I know: the too-many-comments thing was the result of errors I made. But you've spilled milk before too, right? So let's move on to a solution.

People often suggest: Why not just have no comments at all? I like that solution least of all, because I like the community that's blossomed here. I had no idea that'd be the case at the onset, but now it is.

The comments have to be moderated though. Otherwise you'd regularly have to page through epic-length posts from lunatics. (By the way, this is not meant to denigrate lunatics in general. Dear lunatics: Some of your posts have been terrific. It's just that, on a purely statistical basis, lunatics tend to ramble more than your garden-variety sane posters.)

So what will there be to comment about? I think a lot of our regulars are more entertaining than any of the New Rance candidates. That's not saying an awful lot, is it? Let me put it another way: If Agent Pepito, BabyGirlCrow, Bard S, Curiousgirl, Gigglechick, Ginny, Jay, Lora, Wheeler Jones, Ken, Gus Openshaw, Robyn, Rubber Ducky, Shorty, or Waxwing (to name just a few) were to publish anything, I'd wait on line at the bookstore to buy it. (Yeah, we know: "DuckIE"). So I hope they keep it up--who knows, maybe some good might come of it--and others join them. Also, no promises here, but in the event some new misery befalls me, maybe I'll have something with which to entertain you. Good chance of that come November, I fear.

For now, Wheeler Jones has sent in a terrific story. It's on deck. Rubber Duckie, if you're a bird of your word, the Administrative Staff will be expecting something darkly comical from you. After that, we'll see. And if it doesn't work, maybe we'll go bowling.



Posted by captainhoof at 11:41 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 August 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Post Comment | View Comments (66) | Permalink

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 1:34 PM CDT

Name: JCanuck

First: nice to have you back, if even only for one posting. A.S. should get a raise for putting up with all of our bitching.

Second: no New Rance please, the only time that ever worked is in the James Bond movies. Might be interesting to delve into why they manage it and no one else does. But there you go, no one else does.

Third: What to comment on. In between wildly witty stories from people like DuckIE, Wheeler, Pepito and all of the rest, how about letting A.S. (while naming no names of course), give us a few stories on the lengths that people will go to in Hollywood to get noticed? The known and the unknown, probably more of the latter. That will at least allow some wildly witty comments from same said group, yourself included if you feel like it.

And since you've managed to mention toilet paper in your post twice, should misery befall you (and the rest of the free world) in November, I can picture that Rocky Horror Picture Show remake with a new cast of characters. Will be saving the T.P. for then, we'll need it.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 1:43 PM CDT

Name: Allen
Home Page:

I'm very glad that you clarified that bit about lunatics. We happen to be a nice, respectable people when we can keep our jello-filled underwear off of other people's heads.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 1:54 PM CDT

Name: Annie
Home Page:

So why not just start a new site up somewhere that is invite only? Leave the lunatics here, start a line at the door for the sane posters and have a VIP list for your favorites.

I'm sure Chinq could help with the password issue.


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 2:43 PM CDT

Name: ginny
Home Page:

Aw, hell. We missed your words, man. *shuffle*

Well, if you wanted to set up a simple mailing list, that could be done in about 5 New York minutes by my spouse - with archives if I ask him reeeaaal nice. Administrative priveliges could be set up however you wished.

However, others here might prefer a discussion forum/bulletin board of some sort where posts are "out in the open" rather than private and in their mailboxes. That can't be that onerous to set up or run, because lots of sites have discussion forums. Moderation could be by one person, by team, or by community esprit d' DVP.

As for yourself, the occasional weekly or twice-monthly post from you could suffice, I guess, maybe. We can make do betweentime with stuff to discuss. Even posts about Q-tips and gum would be better than nothing.

In the meantime, we'll always have Toledo.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 3:23 PM CDT

Name: princessr9

Be still my beatin' heart, Rance returns! Even if it's only for a short while. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, does it not? I'm not opposed to reading more from W, she seemed very entertaining.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 3:27 PM CDT

Name: ACC basketball season, just 3 month
Home Page:

on a serious note, I personally enjoy blogs that talk about the mundane things in life with humor. I don't need to hear about glitz and glamour. if I want that, I'll happily watch Access Hollywood or E! (although I gotta admit, I always enjoy hearing about Colin Farrell's latest exploits!). of course, getting back to the point, watching E! would take away precious ESPN time and that's not gonna happen (especially now that they're to the Main Event in the World Series of Poker and with college football season starting). in the meanwhile, I've enjoyed reading the comments of the various regulars and think maybe you should entertain the idea of making them all the "new Rance," even though most have said they don't want to be the new you, but it'd be kinda cool if you came back once in a while to say hello and such. also, I think the Administrative Staff has proved itself an entertaining entity as well....perhaps you could let them out once in a while to post something more meaningful than "Rance is busy, but he'll be posting soon." perhaps they could provide a "behind the scenes" look at the blog that is Rance's? well, that's just my $.11 on the issue, for what it's worth... now it's back to that day job I do between reading blog entries.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 3:31 PM CDT

Name: JCanuck
Home Page:

You've been hanging out with Waxwing over at "The Bulge", haven't you?

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 3:52 PM CDT

Name: Silouan
Home Page: http://www.silouangreen/silouan

Rance, I have story you might be interested in posting. I was in Fighter Pilot training with the US Marines Corps when I ejected from my T-2 Buckeye. I broke my back and my co-pilot died. It's quite a story. I have a short version and a long version. Love your blog, silouan

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:01 PM CDT

Name: Lora

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I'm holding up my lighter in support of Rance. Rance, we miss you. Thanks to waxwing for creating this.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:05 PM CDT

Name: melp*
Home Page:

missed you rance, nice to hear from you.

xo mel

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:09 PM CDT

Name: feenxc

welcome home, rance. it's nice to know you've read some of us. or is admin giving you the readers digest condensed version?

as to the site...sure we bitch 'cause we miss you, but is that so bad? there have been some really great things written here, and some really sucky ones. but, still we read and comment. such is life on the rance site (or is that the site ranch?). my question to you is: if it ain't broke, why fix it?

miss you, have a ton of kisshugs reserved just for you

admin, please stick it out with us! kisshugs!


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:10 PM CDT

Name: Pink Poppy
Home Page:

Thanks to Annie, I have now discovered the wonders of Rance (so much for getting any real work done as reading Rance has taken over my life for the day). However, I am concerned that newcomers like moi might be mistaken for lunatics (which, for the most part, I don't think I am...). So if there is a blog re-do, how many references must I provide in order to be deemed worthy?

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:23 PM CDT

Name: Susy

Uhhhhhhh, I'm missing out, where exactely is that ominous Bowling Party? I wanna go! And please let this naked crowd be miserable, wouldn't that be fun? By the way, I hope we don't have to be miserable in November, I can hope right? However fear that ignoraz is going to persist another term. Good to hear from ya' Rancy and if I'll ever have enough time, I might try to write one of those entertaining posts!
Take it easy, have fun, eat some Banana-Shrimps, Thanx to A.D, don't wash away, etc., etc......

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:23 PM CDT

Name: Narphinugan

Hello. If all the administrative staff ever say is "Rance is busy, but he'll be posting soon" then how did you conclude that the A.S. has proven itself as an entertaining entity? Isn't that a circular argument?

This was a free clarification. The next one I'll bill you.


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:41 PM CDT

Name: Rubber Duckie

You actually used to buy gum??? Well blow me a kiss...

Let me guess...Bazooka Joe! If not for the cartoons then for the flavor and the cool name. I swear if I ever sire me a boy I'll name him Bazooka Joe...with a name like that he'll be guarandogteed a place in sports history somewhere.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 5:01 PM CDT

Name: Mia Toretto

What ? Rance? After all the dedication I've given you?! Not even one mention of me?! Certainly, I'm not one of the mundane rambling lunatics?!



Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 5:05 PM CDT

Name: Tad Bitter
Home Page:

I feel your pain, Rance. I'm already finding myself in a similar boat as you and I've only put up about twenty-five posts. I've gotten the "rants" out of my system and I'm searching for new ways to entertain myself. But I find the whole process of posting and the community it involves to be very cathartic. Obviously these blog things evolve and people here now could care less about your celebrity status, they love you for whoever you are. Personally I wouldn't mind hearing about your trips to the supermarket and the woman you fought with over the last role of toilet paper. Or whatever non-industry bug crawled up your ass on a given day. I vote to have you stick around in your limited capacity and let the community continue to exist and do what you're doing and give us some community stories like Rubber Duckie's. I feel the quest for a new Rance is pointless. I wanted to be the new Rance so I started my own blog (see above) and so did a hundred other Rancers. None of us are Rance and none of us ever will be. Stick around as much as you can.


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 5:29 PM CDT

Name: Sue
Home Page:

If you want an entertaining read about the music industry, the Mixerman diaries are really good:

I wonder if he's ever worked with Rocky.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 5:42 PM CDT

Name: Nicole

Glad you made it back's like a breath of fresh air.

My advice would be leave the blog as is...even though sometimes the story's on here can be way bad sometimes, I think the good outweighs the bad. I am not a story teller and have had writer's block all my life.

I enjoy this blog and the has become diverse and interesting. So take care and hope you come back more often.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 5:55 PM CDT

Name: ginny
Home Page:

Oh, I am *so* blogging that. Thanks, waxwing, nicely done.

(M? Is that Rance's new flame, or just arteeestic license?)

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 6:24 PM CDT

Name: BGC

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Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 6:49 PM CDT

Name: Curious Girl


So nice to have you back even if it's just for one post. You've been missed!

This more than makes up for the anti-climactic Vampire entry. (Oh, Count Chocula how I have longed for you...).

I think most people would be content with fewer entries, as long as they came from you. Perhaps a monthly update? I'm sure we could figure out ways to amuse ourselves between your visits. The community here is really great & It'd be nice to keep the comments flowing.

Hugs & kisses xoxo

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 6:54 PM CDT

Name: steve zissou

AS, nice call... i'm looking forward to hearing from both wheeler & the duck. the notion of chasing a cruel swimmer around for revenge is wearin' me out.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 6:55 PM CDT

Name: Rubber Duckie

I meant bubble! I swear it! Let your yay be yay and your nay be nay...neigh, neigh, neigh...

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 7:05 PM CDT

Name: Sass

Just let it ride.

It's sorta' got a life of it's own, now doesn't it?
Besides, what would you have us do?
Do you want NEVER to read from any of us again?
I've found a bit of everything that's happened here if not hilarious and least more interesting than other sites.

Oh, but baby,... you sound so sad.
Poor pitiful piece of bread.....

Just let it ride.

You'll think of something.



Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 7:19 PM CDT

Name: waxwing


It's just so damn difficult to draw and then post and have it look as intended. The M is merely a keystroke that hinted at the shapes in the flickering candle flame. Maybe we should say the M represents the Moth that flies to the flame, that then rewards the moth by burning it to death? No, not that. Too cruel.


"grocery stories" indeed. I'll miss your word play.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 7:58 PM CDT

Name: MetaJerk

nice to see the dry wit postings...

i like the suggestions of no new rance

and a brief recounting of a hollywood moment..

i was in the company of what some might call a "has been" a couple weeks ago whilst at the job. said "has been" came in and was looking for my opinion on some work they were having done. beings this was a good 7 hours into my holding-my-face-in-my-hands-cursing-my-job day, needless to say, i was not in the most chipper of moods. then there is the small fact i had no idea who this "has been" was.. so as they asked my opinion i tried to think of something quite sly to say, but I'm a firm believer that just using quaint terms doesn't make one oscar wilde.
so i only managed to muster a "yeh, i like it", which was apparently the correct answer as said "has been" beamed, told me about cleaning her hot tub and how her husband used to do that.. (who apparently was some other person back in the day.)
whilst not exactly in my youth i've not quite gotten to the age where i need a dodge viper to make me feel youthful either. and as such, was completely oblivious to whom i had been talking, a coworker, short of breath by the exchange, filled me in by telling me the "has beens" name..
i look blankly..
i think i knew the name, maybe she did the palmolive commercials? midge?! no, upon further explanation i understood, and had explained to me how i'd talked to someone great.

all i could do was shrug.. "people is people".. what did i care?

after a long diatribe on how how we shouldn't worship celebrity they should worship us for making them such in the first place, i was reminded of my near blacking out from hyperventilating when a certain star trek persona came in.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 7:59 PM CDT

Name: Kitty

Oh. So you think you can simply breeze back in and post like you never left? Well let me tell you Mr. Man - we're not all that easy. No flowers? No $4M pink diamond ring? I've divorced better men than you.

Whew. All better now.



Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 8:07 PM CDT

Name: fish

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kudos (chocolate flavor) to waxwing

Rance, you're starting to go Atlas on us, don't worry about it, it was fun while it lasted. sometimes if you find a little P & V happening, bring it on. if not, even better for you.

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 8:24 PM CDT

Name: feenxc
Home Page: http://admin- a story for your consideration

i mentioned once before that i have a unique talent- i can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue.

in one of my past lives, i was a bartender in a private club. it was just one step up from being a dive, but was a great place to drink. small dark room with a u-shape bar, pool table in the adjoining room, we did all the usual, strip tickets, punch boards, and cheap booze. don't ask for anything more complicated than a rum and coke, but we free-poured, so you got more than your money's worth.

i used my little talent to entertain and get tips. i could drink all nite for free. they once timed me, i got it done in 6 seconds. late one nite, i had my usual drunks, i mean customers, all men which was a little unusual. they talked me into a demonstration, i happily complied. then i challenged them to give it a try. i picked out good stems for each of them, gave a course on knot tying, then turned them loose. each one put it in their mouths, twisting and grimacing all the while.

it took forever. i finally called time and had them exhibit their attempts. would you believe one of them cheated! he had slipped it out and tied it by hand, so he was disqualified immediately. none of the rest was even close.

i was forced to an important conclusion: real men can't do it. i never had a chance to redo the test in a gay bar, but some day...

two important things happened that nite, i attracted the attention of a man who became a major part of my life, and i had the quietest nite in my career!


Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 8:33 PM CDT

Name: Jarella

Well even if Rocky were Keanu Reeves I would have said the same(actually would of said somethig worse maybe if I knew it was him) and yea I know he isn't exactly a rock star but I expect he has been in similar situations.

As to the blog...let it stay the way it is. You can just post whenever you have anything to say. And in the meantime we can all enjoy reading the comments.

Glad to hear from you again :)

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 10:14 PM CDT

Name: flyrchld

glad to see you back... if only for a quickie.... Quickies are good... hmmm.
Am in total agreement with the others who say this blog should stay as is. I know I am new to the scene, but I don't love your rants any less...
Don't despair over November... have seen an incredible amount of support for Kerry/Edwards in what is commonly referred to as Bush country (Texas). Have seen a lot of support all over, for that matter. Keep up the good works.
Got yelled at by a psgr for wearing a Kerry/Edwards pin on my uniform, told 'em it was still a free country and I was helping to keep it that way.....(smile)

Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 11:55 PM CDT

Name: Narphinugan

You fear that "ignoraz is going to persist another term"?

What is ignoraz going to persist during his other term? What kind of a sentence is that? I realize this is very antagonistic but come on, is the other option really any less ignoraz?


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 12:00 AM CDT

Name: kj4ever
Home Page:

Toliet paper? I'll give you a good toliet paper story...

I was relaxing with a bunch of friends one weekend. Renee, Tim, Jim, Hedi, Kelly, Rob, Kiley, Joe, Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, and Jim Beam. We spent several hours consoling Tim.

Poor Tim had been passed over for a promotion at work. To make matters worse, he had been passed over for the bosses nephew. The nephew wasn't the best worker in the world, and Tim pretty much had to do the nephew's work in addition to his own.

Normal people would suggest sending out resume's, talking to the boss, or just quitting and waiting for them to beg you to come back. We, as you will soon know, are not normal people.

I don't know who came up with the idea. Sometimes it's as though we are nine people working with the same brain. This happens when people are friends for 25+ years I suppose...

Everything was happening at lightening speed. One moment we were sitting around talking, the next we were at the grocery store with carts full of toliet paper. I blame sober sister Heidi, who caves into peer pressure just as easily as she did in Kindygarden, when we talked her into eating a spider...

So there we were, a bunch of just slightly out of their 20's adults running down a street towards the Evil bosses house with a ton of toliet paper. It was a great bonding experience, and a hell of a lot of fun. We had practically covered the guys front yard when we saw the cop car...

I would have got away if it wasn't for that damn mail box that came out of nowhere. The guys, who haven't stayed in as good of shape as us ladies, were just nailed from the start. Most of them didn't even try to run, as they had hurt various parts of their body from running TO the house. It was a sad, sad sight.

I feel sorry for kids today. We soon learned that towns now have what is called a "zero tolerance" policy. Yes we were about to be arrested, and to make matters worse, by a man we had known most of our lives-A man that didn't particulary like us. Ok, he was the little snitch in school, and obviously he chose to make a career out of it. Damn can he run though...

Oh how officer friendly was enjoying this. My brother (Rob) cracked, "What are you going to do, call our parents?" The thought just horified my altered mind, and I blurted out, "Dude, please don't call my Mom." Nevermind the fact that I am 33 years old and that my parents live 600 miles away. At that precise moment I was catapulted back 17 years.

Off to the local jail we went, and to made a sad story sadder, I had to call my 16 year old nephew to bring bail money. He had just enough to get me out, and I bailed everyone else out.

Tim and Renee got the worst of it. They still live in this small town in Indiana, and their local paper reports everything. Imagine being splashed on the front page of a paper read by everyone in your town as a 30 something T.P.'er.

We got off light with community service. Tim's boss was so amused that he got a raise. Whoever said that crime doesn't pay never hung out with us.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 12:01 AM CDT

Name: Narphinugan

No way, I think I just broke a new threshold. I submitted a little story about a blue chair and it didn't get posted. Did I just become a lunatic?

Most of my posts (very few so far) have been quick little notes but I actually told a little story this time and the AS didn't post it.

I feel a little twinge of pride. I can only hope that the AS felt the same way when they hit that delete button. Such power you ASsers have!


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 12:55 AM CDT

Name: NativeGirl

Well you're quite a breath of fresh air this evening. Welcome back! Glad to hear you intend to keep your blog going. I mean no disrespect to your ability to entertain, but I check in regularly as much for the comments as for your posts. Of course we complained about your absence but the upside is that we have Ken, RDD and some others who have come out from the shadows to bless us with their wit. What can I say - I'm a glass half full kinda gal. I, too, love the community you have created. I've linked to so many other blogs through this site it's a wonder I get anything done at work now days! Also, I just want to say that everything the A.S. posted is okay by me- even the posts that got slammed. I figure at least it gave us something to read and besides, anyone who has guts enough to write in with a story that is posted on this blog gets brownie points for trying in my book. It's more than I've ever done. Check in again soon and thanks to the A.S. for the regular updates. Can I ask, however, that you pick one time zone and stay in it? I've figured out all the others but I'm stymied by HDT. I suppose I could google it but it's too damn late and I keep losing my connection so I'm giving up the ship for now.


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 1:41 AM CDT

Name: Snubby

To quote you:

"In hindsight, Ben Hecht's take on The Famous should have been taken into account: 'We find pleasure not in how they surpass us but how they resemble us.'"

Well, you are on the right track with that comment. Whether it be pleasure, infatuation, or love; I think the following does duly apply to each.

The emotion most people mistake as love is actually nothing of the sort. Love is not the pleasurable longing for another that such falsely woven webs would have us believe. It is but the mere reflection in others of how we wish to see ourselves. The more resemblence an entity bears to its suitor, the more lucid the reflection; and the stronger the desire.

But, I think you and Mr. Hecht are a little off-track with the likening of this response to the "famous". This reaction can be garnered in anyone or anything.

Granted this is a fictitious example, but in the movie "Pumpkin" shallow sorority-sweetheart Carolyn (Christina Ricci) develops feelings for the physically-challenged Pumpkin. It wasn't because of his ravishing good-looks, or his rapid-fire witticisms; it was because she saw within him the strength she desired for herself.

Look around you. People link with others based on the facade that they have "something in common." Two people of humble origin can seek themselves in a crowd. One sees a reflection of humility shrouded in strength; the other basks in strength masked by modesty.

The problem with reflections, is that they are based solely upon subjective observations. And over time, subjectivity can be drastically altered.

In past drunken episodes I've elaborated on this theory in amazing detail. Maybe it does make more sense in a haze of inebriation. However, if I were an expert with the crystal clear plan, I wouldn't be sitting at the IBM at 2 o'clock in the morning worrying about other people's emotional interpretations. I'd be upstairs in my own bed sleeping soundly in the wet spot.

On the other hand, you can develop relationships of objectivity. Such relationships could be inclusive of parent-child bonds; co-parents; co-habitants; and in some cases, business partners. Although these bonds do not come with guarantees either, the art of being together to maintain a particular creation seems far more solid than choosing the presence of another based upon a mere reflection of self.

I think much of the confusion in our society comes from the failure to distinguish between these two types of relationships. There are many debates to be had based upon these beliefs. I only wish I had the real opportunity to do so with you. Maybe that's what I would like to see. A forum to share useful opinions. Fiction is fun and you've gotta have it, but I think your better side lies within your uniquely gifted truthfulness. And that's nothing to hide behind.

I hope I haven't seen or read the last of you. Good luck either way!


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 1:43 AM CDT

Name: JCanuck
Home Page:

Or Porn film Hall of Fame, right next to Rance's future son "Tripod".

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 3:33 AM CDT

Name: Angel

Much like Pink Poppy, I am a newbie to this blog and have found myself somewhat absorbed and overwhelmed by it. I think, mostly, I feel a bit of sadness in your need to live vicariously through an anonymous, er-pseudononymous-blog in order to express what the Hollywood politica would eventually lynch you for (i.e. having a brain and using it, to boot). Whatever the irrationality of it, I love your words and would hope that you would understand that there can be no other Rance. Plus, it's just nice to know that there is a sick-twist out there like me, it's just that I can let everybody else know that I'm a sick-twist...and don't think that hasn't caused a few wayward glances and a problem or two...

Keep it up, Rance. And does that bribe thing work in reverse? Can I bribe you to let me follow you to the new and improved exclusive club site? I promise to stay faithful even after it's had its heyday and dwindles in popularity....

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 5:33 AM CDT

Name: Sir Nard Manhawk
Home Page:

Now, I don't mean to ramble like an insane lunatic (I prefer to ramble like a sane lunatic), but it's time someone ranted back at Rance.

Look man/woman/robot/WhateverTheHeckYouAreThatYouWillNeitherConfirmNorDeny, while you're definitely forward thinking and clever by creating this blog, you seem to be quite off target in your assumptions of what "should" be done with it. Millions upon millions of people less interesting than you rant, rave, and ramble, somehow spitting out something mildly coherent for no good reason in this phenomenon known as blogging. A few are celebrities, a few pretend to be celebrities. Some cater to niche interests, and others are just big attention whores.

For some reason, you've managed to become more popular than most of them. And many would say the best posts you've made in that time have been the "angry at the world" Rance.

Suddenly, you lose that fire, because like any normal person, you can't be angry all the time. But now you're running away because, as you put it, you think you're not entertaining enough. You mention entertainment so many times when referencing this blog. Perhaps, (depending on which school of Rance-theory you follow) you as an entertainer, or one pretending to be linked as one, can't get past the fact that people would use media for something other than entertainment.

Maybe being close to "Hollywood" has affected you deeper than you're willing to admit. Otherwise, this whole absence wouldn't even have been an issue. Angry-Rance is entertaining, but Rance in general is an interesting read. Stop being so conservative in what you think you should/could do with this blog. People are more irritated you're NOT posting than anything else. That's why the Guest bloggers are getting a generally poor response.

If you're going to give up it, fine. Admit who you are, cash in on the publicity, and end the game. Quit walking the fence with your "New Coke" style antics. Heck, if you want, give me the blog, as it'll accomplish the same thing -- letting you run off guilt free. Be it a good writer, like Duckie, or some poor lame soon-to-be college student like myself, it doesn't matter. In either case, the blog won't be the same. You can stay or leave, and it's totally your call, but I ask you to commit one way or the other. It's inconsiderate to lead people on with your "I want to be replaced but I want to be here" attitude.

This is getting a touch long, so I'll cut it off. I don't really care if this gets posted (I'll be back to my cheerfully incoherent self upon next time) as long as Rance gets some sense smacked into him. (A.S. I'm looking at you. If you are Rance, video tape the sense-smacking of yourself and post it here.)

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 5:42 AM CDT

Name: Bard

Nice to have you drop by, Rance. I hope you missed us as much as we have missed you.

Although I hope no misery befalls you, I do hope that some incidents in your daily life, or things which strike you as amusing, inspire you to write about them in your blog.

In the meantime, we will do our best to entertain ourselves (and you, hopefully). We'll keep a light on for you.
[ R ]
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(great idea, waxwing!)

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 5:42 AM CDT

Name: Bard

If not, RDD, he won't need to hunt far for a pseudonym before launching his career as a porn star...assuming he lives up to the name.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 7:40 AM CDT

Name: Mia Toretto

Sorry Rocky, don't quit your gig. You dirty bastard.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 9:27 AM CDT

Name: CanadianGirl
Home Page:

I am new to the whole Rance/Blogger thing. I discovered and article about it early this week on I managed to read all the posts this entire week from the begging to now (don't tell my boss). I have to say Rance, you have a lot of interesting outlooks on life and I could care less who you are for real. I love reading the posts and the comments attached. Keep posting, you know there are people that want to read what you have to say. And don't worry about discussing mundane every-day life. That's what we all have in common.


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 11:12 AM CDT

Name: still haunted by Jason Varitek
Home Page:

well, the AS has written a little bit more than "Rance is busy, but will be back soon," but I see your point. but if you want a real mindfuck, check this out:

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 11:49 AM CDT

Name: Rance
Home Page:

I really am not deserving of hand-typed/drawn lighters, but I am touched nonetheless. Thanks, Waxwing, you are my favorite writing bird.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 1:01 PM CDT

Name: mrkazee

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...(thanks, waxie)

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 1:49 PM CDT

Name: Narphinugan

Right on! I hear you Sir Nard and I agree. I like Rance both ways. rants are fun but just witty Rance is nice too. Decide what you're going to do with your popularity Rance, stop being a doink!


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 3:24 PM CDT

Name: Kit

I'll join the others and say nice to hear from you Rance. On the Rocky thing, for me, it wasn't so much his story that I didn't like but the way he told it. Just seemed, I don't know, off somehow. And once again I'll join in with the others and say if it ain't baroque why fix it? We small band of bloggers are having a fine time commenting to each other. And as I'm sure you are fully aware, we'd love to hear from you too. Do not "despair" that you haven't found a replacement. We've all become your replacements. Though there are several more intertaining people here than myself that comment.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 3:46 PM CDT

Name: Robyn
Home Page:

Rance, what a nice surprise it was to find honest-to-goodness Rance today. Unfortunately, the news wasn't too good.

I understand completely you not wanting to post anymore.... I don't want to post anymore either, since you stopped. No offense to the others, who are brilliant in their own ways.

To the future Rance: Don't make people care about you and then 'virtually' disappear. If you want to leave, piss everyone off and make them glad you are gone. Saves everyone a lot of heartache.

So, farewell. It was great while it lasted. I will check in from time to time to see if you are around.

All my best,


p.s. For me, more than anything else, the thing that is missing from all Rance applicants and fill-ins so far is the appearance of being a real person who isn't trying too hard to be funny.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 4:20 PM CDT

Name: waxwing

A complimentary remark! I could just flip. Let your audience decide is you are deserving. It's our choice.

Thank you, Rance.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 4:43 PM CDT

Name: Pity Party

This is the most ridiculous post I've read. Make people care about him? You hardly even know him. He hasn't told you one personal piece of information about himself. You don't know if he sits or stands, showers or bathes, has an inny or an outy, likes dogs or cats, loves Maroon 5 or AC/DC.

In my opinion, all you have is a case of "puppy love" over someone you don't know, have never met, and appear to only be attracted to because of his CELEBRITY. That is what intrigues you about him, nothing more. I've read his writing, and the only thing entertaining about it is where the viewpoint comes from, ala CELEBRITY. So it's the CELEBRITY you're attracted to Robyn. Take that away and you have none of these stories and probably someone whose blog who would never have bothered to read, much less post in.

There are several here who have offered real life humor, nothing too hard about it, Ken and waxwing are two fine examples.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 6:04 PM CDT

Name: Robyn

Pity Party- a few responses...

Whether you find it ridiculous or not, people do care about him. "Care about him" doesn't have to mean "cares about the concrete details of his life." I have never said that I love him, or have a crush on him for that matter, so I don't know where you get that. Furthermore, I have never made loving someone contingent on music or food preferences. If you do, that is your problem.

I suppose you would find it difficult to care about a cat since one could not tell you any personal information about himself. Sometimes observing how someone behaves is reason enough to like them.

I have never said I wasn't attracted to his celebrity. yeah, I am. So? That doesn't mean I am interested in him for who he is or may be. If the 'mystery' were the attraction, I would have become bored long ago. There are celebrities out there that have their own blogs that make no bones about who they are and I don't bother reading them. I happened to come across Rance and became interested in his perspective which I find unique. Maybe you don't... and if that is the case, I feel sorry that you've had to bore yourself with reading his writing. Maybe you should stop.

I like Ken and Waxwing too, by the way, but as far as I know they haven't applied to be Rance. I believe they have their own blogs though, so what is the point?


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 7:36 PM CDT

Name: Littlebit

Yeah but what about us semi non lunatics that don't say much and just like to read what all you lunatics write. That would be unfair to deprive us/me. :)

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 7:46 PM CDT

Name: flyrchld

what is the issue you have here? You apparently keep up with the posts here yourself... what's your reason? Is it the celebrity you are after?
So what if his/her/its celebrity intrigues, something does, and that's all. The plus, of course, is all the guest bloggers, and funny and not so funny comments.
Where is the love, man?
What matters here is that we're all having a good time, whether we believe Rance is SOMEONE or not, he is SOMEONE, to me, and the A.S., yeah, they're SOMEONES, too. Ooh, you too DuckIE, and BGC and all the others, you guys are all SOMEONE, to me.
I love you guys. (sniff)
dude, look what you've gone and done...


Friday, 20 August 2004 - 9:49 PM CDT

Name: Pity Party

With a cat you can hold it and care for it and receive like kind in return. It rubs up against your leg and purrs contently. With Rance, you get nothing personal. Nothing. I guess you "care for" every author whose book you've ever read if you "liked" their perspective, whether it was all a complete load of fiction or not. When all the smoke has cleared, you really have no idea if one word you have read is true, much the same as reading a good book, yet you "care for him". The only difference between this blog and a book is that you have "minimally" interacted with the author. But has he yet to ask you, directly, "How was your day? What makes you happy? Tell me about yourself?" If it's in this blog I've never seen it. In reality, you know NOTHING of Rance or about Rance other than he claims to be a celebrity disgruntled with his job who likes to play games with his crowd. That's it in a nutshell. If you know more, please share.

You call his perspective unique? How would you know? How many "Celebrities" do you talk to on a daily basis? It's unique because he is -drum roll please- a celebrity.

Friday, 20 August 2004 - 10:12 PM CDT

Name: Pity Party

P.S. In regards to Ken and waxwing, you're comment wasn't only directed at applicants, you said "Rance applicants and fill-ins", of which they both have been fill-ins.

You have even taken to signing your name like him.


And I never said the 'mystery' was the attraction, I said the 'celebrity' was the attraction, which is possibly why Rance is slowly walking away. He can't discern who likes him for him and who likes him for who they "think" he is, but then again, who here really knows who 'him' is, not him the celebrity, but him the person.

If anyone here were to be honest, they would all have to admit that in the real world, they actually, factually have no idea who him, the person, is at all.

If you were to say you truly cared about him, then you have to say you truly care about everyone you've never met and know nothing about.

I say this for your own benefit, to keep you from being sucked into whatever "realm" has been created here. This is a virtual world, not the real world, and unfortunately, we live in the real world. Don't be too hearbroken or sad, for I fear you have lost nothing as there was never anything there for you to have to begin with. It is an illusion.

And so the saga continues.

Saturday, 21 August 2004 - 1:14 AM CDT

Name: Pepito H Smith

Woah, okay powers that be, R, A.S, whomever...I don't think I'm quite ready for that last post to be made public...please don't post it, or this one. I got caught up in Robyns' farewell comments. Nevemind all that I said, well it is true but I don't think anyone but us needs to know about it.


Saturday, 21 August 2004 - 10:13 AM CDT

Name: halfway
Home Page:

Wow, PP, I thought only Kreskin was able to read minds and know the secret thoughts, desires and motivations. Have you ever read a book and felt as if you knew a character when you finished the book? Similar situation here. This has been a virtual Woodstock, if you will, all kinds of people, all kinds of writing, and, for most of us, all kinds of enjoyment.

Saturday, 21 August 2004 - 12:24 PM CDT


C'mon now. Go read Ken's blog. He will let you in on a few more details. He has has some real life humor, as all do, but no one is without tainted ideas. Waxwing, well she's an aviation of it's own creation.

Saturday, 21 August 2004 - 6:11 PM CDT

Name: ginny
Home Page:

Be careful, I was just reading a story about a guy who got fired from his advertising job for daring to heckle The Man.

I've been wearing an ABB enamel pin on my "9/11 necklace" (security badge lanyard) for months, and nobody's said anything. I think they haven't noticed, since it's camoflaged by a lot of Dizzworld stuff.

But then, I'm in anti-Bush country up here in the Midworst. I might fare poorly if I was forced to live someplace like Utah, for example, where my mother insists on sticking it out.

Sunday, 22 August 2004 - 1:38 AM CDT

Name: Maura

I'm one of your "brokenhearted- been with ya since the begining" masses, but not witty like most. I love your mundane posts. It is your voice we love not your 'rich and famous' lifestyle. Couldn't care less who you are, this little blog of yours is quite a phenomonon. I like the idea of monthly posts. No pressure, just post when you're up all night in some lonely hotel wondering what millions of other people are up doing.
Maybe we are thinking about you.

Monday, 23 August 2004 - 3:02 PM CDT

Name: JCanuck

Pity Party, you are one unnecessarily brutal person. Have you never been touched by a character in a book, and felt sad when you finished it? Have you never followed a favorite sit-com for years, and felt that you were losing a friend when it ended? Cried in a film? Laughed?

All of those situations involve characters that you don't know, yet you become attached to them. Yes, maybe a lot of people were attracted to this blog because of celebrity, but a lot of the commenters stayed because of the content. Many of them also regularly comment on other blogs, and would feel equally bereft of a "friend" should the bloggers they follow decide to close shop. It's all a form of entertainment and reaching out to others. Virtual, yes, but the people behind the words are real enough.

Monday, 23 August 2004 - 11:30 PM CDT

Name: Robyn


I would love to continue this debate with you but unfortunately I am very very busy lately cleaning my toenails. Thankfully, I don't have to argue that you are making ridiculous assumptions... you seem to project that just fine on your own.

Goodnight Bard, Goodnight Wax,
Goodnight Angels, Goodnight Sass,
Goodnight Ken and J. Canuck,
Goodnight to the old lady whispering "fuck"

"R" (Robyn, not Rance... in case you forgot from up top)

Wednesday, 25 August 2004 - 10:22 AM CDT

Name: Susy

Opinions are like a......, hmmmmmmmm, belly-buttons, everyone has one. Doesn't get boring that way, right?! Just a suggestion: "Less is often more" - and that goes for criticising as well as praise.
No more coffein for you, hahahaha! Are you coming to that Bowling -Party? ;-)
Enjoy, take care, have yourself a nice day, etc., etc., etc.
Thanx for your concern,

Sunday, 29 August 2004 - 4:39 PM CDT

Name: Marquis dAndrea
Home Page:

I always had hoped you'd write something. In fact just today I finished reading some of your... How shall I phrase this without coming off as presumptuous... I guess I'll just call it your work and forgo the pleasure of having this comment posted. But I was reading your work today and I was thinking, 'Wouldn't it be nice if he went off and wrote some stuff on his own? He is a great writer.' How about I just say that I inferred that much from your blog, and that you don't have any 'work' at all. There we go.

My point is (am I one of the lunatics because I ramble? What a thought.), your writing is really great so if you do decide to publish any of it, signal me with a mirror through my bedroom window and I'll run downtown and buy the first hundred copies.

Keep it real!

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