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Rance wuz here...
Wednesday, 23 June 2004
My Failings and Lawnmower Deaths
Over the past few weeks I realized I've spent the first five months of this year, in this space, essentially making the observation that a disproportionately high percentage of people in my area were shallow. In related news, a bloggist in Paris spent the past few months observing that a lot of the people in his area were French.

Accordingly, I want this space to be more substantive. Unfortunately, over the last few weeks, they haven't invented a pill to makes me more substantive (at least a legal, non-addictive one), and I missed the deadline for registration for the Adult Ed classes.

But I'm going to try anyway, today tackling the issue of the relationship between movies and violence.

If you're like me, you're always hearing me how some guy saw one of those slasher movies, left the cinema and blew someone else away with an AK-47. You reply that no doubt if it weren't for the movie, the guy would have gone home and read the bible, ignored all those smitings therein, and gone on to found an orphanage. Then you get a million statistics that not only prove you wrong, but implicate you by your professional association.

Well, here's one attempt at refuting the correlation between movie-going and violence: The country of Moldova has one of the lowest rates of movie attendance in the world, yet the highest rate of death by powered lawnmower (.45 deaths per million people (Incidentally, those cinemaniacal Lithuanians place a distant second, with .27 deaths per million. The United States is a sorry ninth, with .09 deaths per million people.))

I know this isn't the foundation for a argument that would be considered substantive, but I've yet to receive a decent rebuttal. Or maybe I should just take a hint.

Administrative Notes:

1. The judges have narrowed it down to a final 27 Eleanor Roosevelt/Angelina Jolie movie pitch essays, which I'll now read.

2. To those of you who used quotation marks in comments here this week: Due to rodents getting into the computers or something, your messages were truncated before they reached us. We only were able to read what came BEFORE your first quotation mark. So please re-post using apostrophes or asterisks in place of quotation marks, if you have to have your quotation marks.

3. To Wendy Jo (you heartbreaker), Shorty, BabyGIrlCrow and all the others involved in the latest Sass-related e-brawl that generates dozens of page-long comments per day, sorry you're pissed. My suspicion is you're right, but I can't keep it straight. How about you choose one of the other regular posters to be an arbitrator (Robyn? Waxwing? Bard? Ken? (Sorry, Robyn, Waxwing, Bard and Ken)) and have that person decide the case and report back, like an episode of People's Court? That could a) resolve the problem, and B) be nifty.

4. It's come to my attention that there are numerous fake Rances (or at least ones that aren't me) and fake Waxwings posting around the web--Dave Barry's blog for instance. I for one, only post here and on the Vatican Chat Room.

4a. Similarly, all the Rance-related sites, we have nothing to do with. Then again, that's technically what we say about this site.

5. Yesterday, Robyn speculated that I may be a person who is no longer living. I will, per blog policy, neither confirm nor deny that I am alive, or, for that matter a person at all, as opposed to a team of people, a functional version of Blog-O-Matic software, or an animal--for instance, a chimp whose been lucky hitting the right letters on the keyboard (Hey, EnglishTeacherFromHell: Didn't you suggest that back in January?).



JUN 23, 5:45 PDT


Posted by captainhoof at 6:26 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Post Comment | View Comments (59) | Permalink

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 7:05 PM CDT

Name: Grace
Home Page:

When are we, as people, going to accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY?

What about the billion dollar porn industry? Are all of these people running off and humping legs left and right? What about cartoons ie. Wile E Coyote and Bugs Bunny? Has anyone ever played out their scenes and jumped off a canyon into the abyss?

It irritates the hell out of me that people are always blaming some pre-existing condition (ie. stupidity) for their actions and not realizing they have the power of choice. I watch violence movies (ie. The Lord of the Rings) yet I've never had the urge to go kill a hobbit.

On the other hand, but not for stupid people, there'd be no need for public servants. Oh the irony.

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 7:05 PM CDT

Name: Karl

Maybe the only movie ever allowed to be seen in Moldova is Lawnmower Man, so everyone's seen it like 20 times. Plus everyone's got the image of a lawnmower shoved down their throats 24/7, so they attempt some sort of ironic form of suicide by lawnmower. This is really one of the great mysteries of the universe, it's up there with the reasoning behind a third back to the future, no one will ever know.

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 9:14 PM CDT

Name: Tarantism2

Founded by someone from Transylvania, the real underlying cause of violence in Moldova has to be related to the fact that now in the 2000's, 60% of their population are vampires. They just try to cover it up with the lawnmower statistics! Perhaps you could convince Van Helsing to make a swashbuckling appearance in their country and eliminate their violence.

By the way Rance, I care not as to who you are. However, following your blog entries are definitely entertaining. Publish a book. Then give away another car.

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 10:39 PM CDT

Name: Sass

God, this is so damn stupid. Nothing left to do.....
You need to state what this crap is they are e-mailing you about.
1. I have posted at another message board. Everyone and their mama does as well.
2. I have never emailed ugly nasty things to anyone on this site/blog or anywhere else.
3. I write, hopefully a book someday, thanks to you inspiring me (and many others BYTW)
4. I have never copied anything from the Rance site or used the names Rance, Sass, Captainhoof or anything at all else involved in your blog. And never will.
5. I like you and respect your writing.
6. The lawnmower blog was good.

Now if anyone else is saying anything more than that....I'd LOVE to have the "Rance court" go at it.



PS: I have put up all the nastiness on my blog that has been sent to me or has been posted to me. That way I thought it would be out of your hair and still MAYBE make them stop. Evidently it hasn't.

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 11:25 PM CDT

Name: J Bondrock
Home Page: http://none

when early cave dwellers painted the walls it was an attempt to incite young viewers to hunt and kill. proof positive is the case of the mammoth or sabre-tooth tiger. if not for those wall paintings, those extinct animals would be roaming around Europe as we speak. Down with false images!

Wednesday, 23 June 2004 - 11:37 PM CDT

Name: Jigganaut


I don't mind if you're some creepy high schooler in his parent's basement reading too much Variety and too little Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Here's my question: Have you ever rubbed a naysayer's face in your success? The road to the top (or at least a better view from here) is littered with rejections from pessimistic people who lack vision. Don't those people deserve some karmic retribution in the form of childish, petty taunting? A little who's-laughing-now never hurt anyone, has it? I heard the exec who turned down Mariah Carey's demo tape got fired. So, is it as satisfying as I always dreamed? I like to think that I'm above such sanctimonious BS but I'm probably not.


Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:33 AM CDT

Name: Miss Hap


Your mention of a *Sass-related e-brawl* has me confounded. I can't imagine what suspicions you are referring to are because, like many of the original Rance blog readers and/or commenters, I think Sass simply appreciates the workings of your brain transferred onto e-paper. It seems to me that you've been paid the utmost compliment by the creation of her blog. Those who are trying to make more of it than that, are just trying to stir up trouble when there is none.

My opinion,
Miss Hap

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:41 AM CDT

Name: Sass
Home Page:

Rance and AS

Go read the stuff that's being posted please.
Are they accusing me of sending them porn?
That's NOT true...

Hope you got my earlier comment...that's really all I can say. But it seems like there's alot of stuff that's been happening I knew NOTHING about.



Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 1:34 AM CDT

Name: Curious Girl

Interesting topic.

Methinks it's sort of a chicken and egg situation. Are movies reflecive of our violent society? Or do they incite violence?

I suspect someone who goes out and commits a heinous act of violence already has some wiring seriously loose and would do so regardless of what they watched.

I am not against violence in movies per se. Some of my all-time favorite movies are extremely violent. (Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, Goodfellas among others). But the violence is meant to illustrate or illuminate something - it's not simply there to appeal to dopey 14-year old boys with a gore fixation.

On a vaguely related note: there was an e-brawl amongst the DVP elite!? How did I miss this? And where the hell is Moldova?

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 2:44 AM CDT

Name: Sir Nard Manhawk
Home Page:

Oh please Rance. You are so behind the times. Everyone KNOWS already that movies don't cause people to go out and kill each other. Video games do.

I wonder if the MPAA and their spinsters have anything to do with the sudden focus in the media upon game violence over movie violence. Afterall, which is more graphic? Besides, there's probably a level of some Grand Theft Auto clone somewhere that involves lawn mower carnage.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 3:45 AM CDT

Name: Shorty


So I guess you have read my comment, hope you liked the flaming LOL. Maybe I should have post it some place else, instead of bothering you with it. Thnx for reading it anyway. BGC wants to say she is sorry for bothering you too and she still has nothing but love for ya. As far as I'm concerned this issue is closed, over and done with. Now let's get some Action Rance blogging about the LA life again.


Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 6:48 AM CDT

Name: ThatBobbieGirl
Home Page:

I personally witnessed movie-inspired violence, about 22 years ago.

Once, as I was visiting the house of my best friend, who lived with her brother's family, I watched in horror as her nephew ran into the room with a hammer and hit his sister on the head with it. They had been watching a Three Stooges short and had just seen Head-Stooge Moe do the same thing to one of the other Stooges. More violence ensued as the offender's (the nephew, not Moe) bottom was bared and thoroughly whacked. No blood was shed that day, but welts were raised along with the awareness that some children can't divine the difference between reality and fantasy. Parental Guidance is, indeed, suggested.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 7:07 AM CDT

Name: Wheeler Jones

In Moldova there's a wonderful joint called the Capriana Monastery.

It's a 14th-century monastery that miraculously survived the militant atheism of the Soviet era and its obligatory looting and pillaging.

Behind the oldest chruch called 'Virgin's Assumption', you'll find a 150 meter circular dirt track. This is where the monks hold their weekly lawnmower races. A modified mower can reach speeds in excess of 60mph.

Any questions?

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 10:40 AM CDT

Name: Myles
Home Page:

I would have to agree with the frightening lawnmower death statistics and the correlation with cinematic violence. However, in the interest of providing some perspective, there are an alarming number of toilet-seat related injuries here in the States, and the link between that and cinematic violence has never been fully established. Is it possible that such thrilling bathroom-violence scenes such as the shoot-out in True Lies and other movies of the genre have provoked an increase in toilet seat mutiliation? I think those time wasters at NIH would be much better off investigating the possibility... on second though, knowing how many minutes per day men and women think about sex is probably much more serving of the public interest.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:04 PM CDT

Name: Cheryl

Dear Rance,

Please don't look upon the last five months as your failings. As the overt display of consciousness is new and uncharted territory in members of the world of entertainment, give yourself some slack. The first step is acknowledgement, something yet to be demonstrated sufficiently by anyone in entertainment.

Acknowlegement of what? Of the obvious. One should not need to look up studies or anecdotal evidence to confirm the obvious facts of which we are all aware. Does media depicted violence contribute to the overall violence in a society? It's absurd that anyone needs to ask this. Common sense should be sufficient here. The question seems to be far more a matter of whether or not we actually care.

Everyone knows there are members of society who are 'high risk'. They are children who don't have the luxury of adult supervision, or appropriate supervision. They are the adults who have came from these homes. They are people for whatever environmental or biological reason, are more susceptible to violent imagery. They make up an ever increasing segment of our society, and with our Latch Key Society, are rapidly becoming more of the norm rather than the exception.

So, my response to those who do not care is, that is because some people simply don't care until something happens directly to them. I don't relate to this type of person, but I understand the mentality from which they operate.

Also, the violence appears to be reflection of the deeper issues, those of basic respect for other members of society. Elders, children, women in particular seem to be afforded far less respect in today's society than say, fifty years ago. This level of brutality simply did not exist before. People relied on legal means. Some say that the problem of brutality developed after the Vietnam War, and that we are becoming worse still with this war in Iraq. Regardless, times of war are always times of great change. I do wonder what sort of change will arise from this war...

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:26 PM CDT

Name: WendyJo

You callin? ME a heartbreaker? The way you keep playin? with THIS female?s heart, there will be trouble to pay. I?m gonna throw this here tacky tin ring back at ya, storm out of this zoo you call home, and leave ya with the squallin? baby in her saggy-ass diaper, and the dirty dishes in the sink!
Before I drive on outta here, I?ll be sure to back this here auto on up and roll over that troll statue you have in the yard, that one called ?shathead Robyn?.

Let me explain our story, dear readers. I was hookin? on the corner of Datalounge and Weho, the lone female in a group of anorexic-thin boi toys, badly aging man-whores, and Blatino trannies. Rance pulled up in his clunker of an automobile, an? motioned me on over. I stubbed out the Marlbora? I?d been smokin? with my new Steve Madden platform shoes I had just got at the Goodwill for $2 and 64 cent, and jumped in the car.
I was kinda worried he would want some backdoor action, but once we got back to his place, he was just plain vanilla all the way, quick, and an easy 20 bucks.

Little did I know I would get knocked up that night.

See, Rance has dreams of being? an actor, though he ain?t all that attractive, has a bit of a paunch runnin? through his middle, and only gets the rare auditions for tire commercials. But since I was knocked up an? all, we thought we could give it a go, and try to be a family.

Only trouble was, Rance went back out on the street with his drinkin? buddies to celebrate our upcomin? nuptials, and stopped at the corner of Cusackian Way and Hwy 101 to pick up a truckload of wimmen. (See, these here wimmen like to go by lotsa diff-rnt names, an? keep changin? the color of their wigs. Hell, one of them goes by Trickie, Trixxie, and Ma?m Tricks-a-lot. She says she does it fer tax-evasion pur?poses, but I say, who the hell pays taxes on trickin??) Goddamn you, Rance. Well anyway, these girls just won?t quit. They found out Rance wuz due to get a large in-her-ee-tance from a great- uncle Spelling, and they sho? did think Rance was special an? all. They just wouldn?t let up. Forever sendin? pictures, slippin? him their emails, talkin? all fancey ?bout how smart they was, wearin? them short-shorts around the neighborhood, the WORKS.

I told them girls to just wait till Rance falls out with that there ?Ebola? virus, we could just split the in-her-ee-tance and all make off with some right nice brite?an?shiney Dodge Vipers.

Thangs aren?t workin? out the way they should, to my mind, too much turmoil in this house. I ain?t the jealous sort, really, and ya?ll gotta remember, Rance don?t pull in much of an income right now, hell he?s mostly just a jerkin? around in front of this here computer. So please, ladies, chill out. Can?t all us wimmen just get along? Tell ya what, we should all just pull out the alumin?um chairs into the front yard, pass aroun? these bottles of Boone?s farm I got on special, and make cacklin? jokes about the size of Rance?s manhood. Sheee-it, I read some good gossip from the Nation?l Enquirer, that there actor Colin Farrell did some new movie where he got nekkid, and his willy was so big, it poked out the eye of the woman settin? in the front row of the theater!

Listen: I?m a bitch, you?re a bitch, life?s a bitch, we?re all Rance?s bitches. Now who?s gonna set with me and pass the bottle? No more games, trolling, underhanded insults, gay porn mailin?, and jealousies. Rance has got to get back to bloggin? bout how the asparagus he ordered at Spago yestiddy was overcooked, an? limp. Now pass the bottle, and let?s get back to readin?.

Rance, you through playin??

smooches** to you

**Warning: smooches will expire in 12 hours. There will be a rapid decline in quality of said ?smooches? within this 12 hour period. Any more games by Rance or the Administrative Staff will negate this offer for said ?smooches?. This offer not valid in NY, NJ, TX, and CA. Other warnings may apply. Patent pending.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:30 PM CDT

Name: Sarah
Home Page:

Here's my theory: People in Moldova took Communism so far that they devoted themselves to becoming cannibalistic. Having seen that infamous "Frog-in-a-blender" internet cartoon, they figured they would imitate it by throwing themselves under the lawnmowers, as Karl put it. Almost like kamikaze lawnmowerists--but with a different cause.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 12:56 PM CDT

Name: Scoopy

"I" "just" "wanted" "to" "send" "my" "thanks" "your" "administrative" "staff" "for" "getting" "tripod" "to" "fix" "the" "quotation" "mark" "problem." "In" "fact," "I've" "read" "this" "blog" "all" "along," "but" "refrained" "from" "commenting" "due" "to" "the" "anti-quotation" "mark" "stance" "tripod" "had" "taken."

However, now I am free to comment as often as necessary.

And in regards to the psychotic, murdering people, I feel that whenever I, I mean, crazy people murder others, they really don't need any reason to do so, they just want to, but when it comes to trial time, it's always nice to have someone to lay the blame on. It makes the insanity plea that much more plausible. I mean, truly, when you hear "I did it because the little green leprechaun that lives in my chest hair told me to" you know that person doesn't have all his dogs barking.

And Rance, thanks again for creating this blog. Some days, it's the highlight of my day, sad as that sounds.


Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 1:00 PM CDT

Name: waxwing
Home Page:

I read through your posting most carefully and determined that no phrases contained within WBAGNFARB. That is nothing to be ashamed of, it is simply an observation. And I hope you choke on it, laddie! I did not know you required exclusive posting agreements? please accept my abject apologies and I promise I will not ever post at another web site, ever, never, not ever, and please ignore my wingtips crossed behind my back. You know this how? Have I become worthy of the great and powerful Google? Oh, and I say all this without admitting to any postings anywhere except my own blogs and of course, yours.

So let us take the violence out of the movies and keep it in the blogs where it belongs, shall we? Though I must confess that after seeing *The Birds* I was in a frenzy to commit willful vandalism. As I am but a small bird I could not crash through truck windshields or peck peoples? eyes out or blow up gas stations, but I was so inspired to violence that I was successful in pulling the rubber strip out of a couple of windshield wiper blades before I became too exhausted to continue my destructive ways. Bodega Bay has become my rallying cry and therefore that film did have an effect that I must admit.

Most folks will say violent films do not increase the level of violence in the viewers but then that quote from A. Pope starts playing in my head: *We first endure, then pity, then embrace.* We readily accept romantic movies will bestir romantic notions---*Don Juan DeMarco*, blanket or sheepskin on the floor, bit of wine and a sweetie close by works for me, each and every time, always, and?ahhhhhhhhhh. What was I saying? Oh yes. First let my pupils return to their normal size. Movies and violence, A. Pope and the Vatican Chat Room. Vatican Chat Room? Where do you get these things? And wise of you to mention religion, too! *smile*

Hey, I?m off to Boston this weekend for my first ever professional, big league sort of baseball game. Dare I mention violence in sports and its effect on the players. No doubt be plucked or rhymes-with if I did. Will be laptopping it so anticipate some blissfully brief or absent postings from newly faithful waxwing.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 1:11 PM CDT

Name: the_enlightened_cynic


I applaud your efforts in accruing a pack of retarded followers. May you all take a trip together via airplane and suffer a disastrous crash, thus aiding the evolutionary advancement of the human race.

the cynic

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 3:28 PM CDT

Name: Eternal

You are correct, "this isn?t the foundation for a argument that would be considered substantive". Your foundation is as unstable as the current state of the lawnmower industry in Moldova which has recently undergone a series of upheavals related to a civil war. Ironically, the war began with an argument over which side of the fence had greener grass, North or South? A joust on riding mowers ensued, leaving a southern gentleman mortally wounded. A counter attack was launched by his surviving heirs on their mowers and, well you get the picture... it has escalated into a full blown conflagration. Needless to say, in an attempt to avoid all the death and destruction, no one is going to the movies, which explains the statistics you quoted. Hope this helps clear up any misunderstanding.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 4:20 PM CDT


Rance, is this a joke? Mulled over in Moldova by a lawn mowah? What a way to go. I've always considered 'rotating blades slicing face into oblivion' one of the lesser appealing ways to die.

Since we got use of our quotation marks back, I think everyone should post an inspirational quote. Here's my offering:

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." - T. Waits

In other news, I'm slapping monkeys over finding a suitable model to pose for me. I've had it up to here ::points at St. Genesius medal:: I find all these photos of stacked, slim, smooth women who don't resemble real women. I, of course, berate myself daily for not looking picture perfect like these women, yet have no interest painting them or looking at them. I like a big leg woman, but hallelujah if I can find a suitable model without a concave belly.

Anyone want to pose for me? You could send me your fine nudie pics instead of Rance.


Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 4:58 PM CDT

Name: Grathena

I watch violence on television all the time.

I watch really skinny women with big feet wearing expensive clothes on television all the time.

I see people making extemporaneous yet hilarious jokes on television all the time.

Perhaps I should go out, get a gun, say something funny and shoot Mary Kate Olsen repeatedly. In court I could say that hours of anorexic, overdressed, funny yet violent television shows forced my hand.

...or I could just go buy a Popeil Pocket Fisherman.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 8:48 PM CDT

Name: Iceman

Been reading for a while but chose now to make my first post? Why? Because I'm curious about this Sass related e-brawl so hey, I know, I'll gladly be a judge in the matter.
While I post for the first time I should add that I think this Rance site is great, I'm not just kissing ass, and if you are posting from beyond the grave, wow, impressive, which leads to a question: Why do the dead have such a hard time giving John Edward clear information?

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 9:44 PM CDT

Name: Rance
Home Page:

This comment is for Sass and the Anti-Sass faction both:

Kids: I've read through the posted sampling (and small percentage) of today's comments re: your battle. Having been away, never visited any of the cited sites, and only seen like eight minutes here and there of the mini-series that is this saga, I have no idea what half the references in your comments are--Wendy Jo's in particular (though I'll have whatever you were drinking, kitten), or even what you're battling about. Seeing that the two sides couldn't agree on a mediator for my People's Court idea, I now propose you each sum up your case, from start to finish, in a brief of 750 words or less. Shorty, you can decide who'll be your Johnny Cochrane. Sass, you can choose whomever as well. Submit these things and I will read them over the weekend and I will either render a verdict or court will be in session.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 10:38 PM CDT

Name: Upthewall

Rance (or should I address it to the administrative staff?),

Maybe I should just change my name to rambling lunatic (or did someone already take that?), at least that would give you a forewarning.


Anyway, I saw all the b.s. that was going on, I can't quite figure out yet though if you are creating the drama or just loving it. Why not drop all the hunky dory shit and just come out and tell the rest of us what exactly is going on?! Why not lay it out for the poor saps that have invested their emotions into this? Not everything needs to be hidden and protected through puzzles and mystery. Although I can see why you have your two-way mirror as everyone has gone through and dissected every word of yours, and ours for that matter.

I am not into that, I am sure a lot of us aren't. Not because I am a kiss ass, not because we aren't witty or brilliant enough, some just because we don't want the bullshit. I because, well, I have enough bullshit of my own, there is a microscope for all of us and people are too willing to mar us with their perceptions of who we are or worse, who we should be. And then of course I have to deal with my own unachievable standards and constant failure.

So, what I am saying is that you came on here for you, or so I thought. Get on it. Fucking let go already. You are playing their game too, my friend.

I still like you, in a couldn't-give-a-shit-who-you-are-as-much-as-a-one-way-correspondance-with-hundreds-of-other-people-allows-you-to-like-someone kind of way.

Thursday, 24 June 2004 - 11:38 PM CDT

Name: Sass
Home Page:

Oh, Rance. You left yourself wide open for that one, honey.
What does a guilty girl get? Whats the punishment?
A spanking from Rance for being a bad, bad girl?

don't know how much of a fight I want to put up here.....
I'm mailing my essay now.

Enjoy your weekend, bud.
I wouldn't be in your shoes now for all the blog space in the world.



Friday, 25 June 2004 - 12:58 AM CDT

Name: Lora


I have tears in my eyes. But good tears from laughing. Wow, you are really creative and I didn't have to use any slang dictionary! (sorry Rance, it's just a joke between WendyJo and I).

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 1:30 AM CDT

Name: Grace
Home Page:

My eyes are bleeding after clicking on a link here to a site regarding a fight because lil ole me didn't know Rance readers were fighting amongst themselves.

In summary for those of us who didn't know all this drama was happening, here's what's going on:

1. Someone was getting attention from Rance and others got jealous.
2. Someone cried to Rance like little children on playgrounds cry to teachers when someone pushes them.
3. We're now all 12 years old by entertaining adults participating in such behaviour.
4. I just now insulted 12 year olds everywhere.
5. All the fighters are now getting the Rance attention they so desperately wanted.
6. As a result, I'm going to read back posts and try find someone to pick on because I feel left out.
7. I noticed I make a lot of numbered list. Forget curing cancer, someone find me a cure for numbering.
8. Rance, when do I get attention?
9. Everyone involved in this drama needs to take a step back and realize this is just a blog, like so many out there, and it's not a matter of life and death what anonymous bloggers think of them. The second you start taking online shit seriously, is the same time you need to call your ISP and ask them - for the sake of your mental health - to please disconnect your connection.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 2:21 AM CDT

Name: Bard S


You just had to address one of those chicken-egg questions, which I end up reading on my Hash night (i.e., run a few miles, down a pint at a beer check, run some more, then drink more beer, and even more beer). Do films influence violent behavior, or simply reflect the behavior of the times? Yes?to both.

My passing acquaintance with the bible and other mythologies suggests to me that human beings are not necessarily more violent, or tolerant of violence as a race today than they ever were. Check out the gods throughout history. They were always ready to hurl a lightning bolt at those who angered them or to transfigure the disobedient into an animal, a tree, or even a pillar of salt So I agree?smiting of a Saturday night was just a regular weekend for many folks in days of yore.

Technology is as much (or more) to blame for the human willingness to resort to violence than becoming desensitized to the outcome via film and literature. It is one thing to stand at a distance, and fire off repeated rounds from an automatic rifle from a clock tower, and something else again to bash out someone brains with a rock. Death is far easier to mete out from a distance.

Thanks for the interesting information about death-by-lawnmower in Moldova. (The CIA fact book contains nary a mention of those interesting statistics.) I did once read a bit about a products liability case where the plaintiff performed a ?Bobbitt? on himself while clearing some obstruction from a lawn mower. Unfortunately, the news item was short on factual detail, so how the poor man literally bobbed it remains a mystery to me.

Enough with the daily lessons. There is a runaway bear that needs catching.

P.S. How did I miss the meeting where the secret password to the Vatican Chat room was shared? Hopefully, someone there was able to dig up the URL for ?Indulgences on Line? site for you.

P.P.S. to the blog commenter who posted the link to the May Day Mystery site--I read a few entries and I am hooked, on line, and sunk. I might have some new ideas to add after I read more.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 7:02 AM CDT

Name: Wheeler Jones

Woo! Trip! I'll bring neck-pillows and a couple of flasks (in case we drink the mobile-box dry).
And none of this pretzel crap. We want filet mignon and fine wine!
And soup. We'll need that too at some point.
-Wheeler Retard

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 8:21 AM CDT

Name: Robyn

Leave me out of this bullshit. I am not involved, nor am I interested in being involved. If you were simply offended that I used the words 'shathead Wendy', then I am sorry you took offense, but that was an innocent comment not pointed at you... otherwise I would have said Wendy Jo, ok?


Friday, 25 June 2004 - 8:40 AM CDT

Name: mrkazee
Home Page:

i would just like to take a moment and say "thank you" for referencing the lawnmower mortality rate in moldova. a statistic that obscure made it easy to find the (likely) point of reference on the 'net, and i have now spent a great deal of time looking at the overwhelming amount of information there. for instance, who knew that armenia has over 3 times the number of cinemas per capita than we do? or, that the british virgin islands have over twice the jehovah's witnesses per capita as we do? hells bells, i can't stop looking at those stats!

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 8:57 AM CDT

Name: Sara

I feel the murders that occur after the perpetrator views Mentos commercials are underreported.
That's the problem. It skews the statistics.

The movie or video game industry is a convenient scapegoat. While the violence they glorify isn't a good thing and it's helping to drag our society inexorably down to its lowest common denominator, noone can predict what's going to set someone off. A homicidal maniac could be thinking of a plate of shrimp and someone could say "plate" or "shrimp" or "plate of shrimp" and he could take it as a sign that that person must die. (That reminds me, I should watch Repo Man tonight.)
Is Hollywood supposed to produce nothing but Care Bear movies? Even that would be pointless, it would only be a matter of time before "Care Bears vs. My Little Pony: The Bloodbath Begins" would make its debut.
Did prehistoric man blame random murders on overly violent cave paintings?


Friday, 25 June 2004 - 9:16 AM CDT

Name: R.Penn

A quotation from the master of movie violence; Quentin Tarantino:"Thomas Edison invented the movie camera to show people killing and kissing."

Lest we become desensitized to violence, movie violence critics pose the argument that acts of gratuitous violence should not be depicted in movies. Such opponents are oblivious to the fact that movies such as Ridley Scott's Gladiator, and Gangs of New York, are in a sense merely depicting a portrait of history that is grounded in fact.

Violence is a part of society, and failing to portray it in a realistic manner would only serve to perpetuate a damaging myth. Yes, it would be nice if movies would avoid depicting such scenes as Romans feeding Christians to the lions for sport, mob lynchings, and Nazi death camps-but then history would be done a great disservice, pass me the Rose-tinted glasses.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 10:44 AM CDT

Name: Cheryl

Wenny Jo, I do believe that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. But I hope you'll pardon the intrusion, because I thought we were having what Rance likes to call a substantial conversation, here. I didn't realize this is what passes for substantial in Hollywood, but now I guess we know. A feud's a feud, and if you can't fight with your kin, who can you fight with?

I had no idea Rance was getting you girls so whipped up. He's something, ain't he? Wenny Jo, I think you and Rance make a fine couple. Any man who'll steer clear of the chocolate highway can't be all bad. You take care of that man.

Sass and company, why don't you all put the sticks down and mind your manners. Ya'll weren't raised this way. Keep this up, and you'll have the neighbors sending your names in to Springer. How are we going to explain that to your Daddy?

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 11:26 AM CDT

Name: Mia Toretto


I come on here because this is supposed to be a forum of funny/intellectual stimulation. So, I read the most recent blog and skim the previous. Here's the breakdown of what I see here:

1. Tacky child-like behavior, fighting, manipulation and insecurity.
2. An author with a bad attitude and encouraging violence with lawnmowers and 'perhaps' with his existance here insults to his fans.
3. Degradation of those less fortunate than us. (Disgusting behavior by the way.)
4. People doing essays on here, willingly?! Now, if this isn't obvious suck up, I truly don't know what is. Not a bad manipulation, if it works to the ultimate goal.

I also read on Rancelot's blog that Rance ,aka George Clooney and his computer friend, are testing a new idea for promoting a new movie by posting a web stating he's a A-List movie star to draw a crowd of curious people, and then draws him to Blubbery Bastard's ad for Ocean's Twelve. Sort of condescending to the intellect of those fans flocking here, isn't it?!

Well, hopefully, I haven't read between the lines here incorrectly. But, it would make sense. Hmmmm....a wealthy popular star is so desperate to find people to talk to. He could even hire friends if he wanted to. Think about it for a second. What is wrong with this picture?!

I will continue to read on in the days ahead to see for myself. But, I'm fairly convinced of what is obvious.

I say, if something is out of place in the world, follow the dollar, that is where you will find the story.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 12:51 PM CDT

Name: ginny
Home Page:

Firstly, still mulling over the substantive issue of violence in movies. As you all know, I likes me some stuff blowin' up good. However, I also feel that violence should be depicted in movies only so far as it serves the story or the characters - what would "The Dirty Dozen" be without it? That's right, it would be "Twelve Slightly Dissheveled Army Guys," and who wants that? So if I didn't make this distinction clear before, it's clear as mud now.

Secondly, I think the Moldovan monks (whoa! the things you learn reading the comments at Rance's) have been watching too many old "Home Improvement" episodes. Who knew there were so many Binford 3000 fans in Eastern Europe? Ruh ruh ruh!

Lastly, I hate it when people cause gaper's blocks (hey! That's a Chicago traffic thang) when passing an accident scene. So I'm drivin' on and not being a looky-loo.

PS - honorary "neener neener quotes are working" -

"What's all this fuss about violins on television?" - Emily Letella

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 1:23 PM CDT

Name: Beachprincess


What are your thoughts about the Entertainment Weekly article titled "Shadows & Blog". It is in the June 25 - July 2 issue....


Friday, 25 June 2004 - 2:56 PM CDT

Name: Rance
Home Page:

WW, let it fly wherever you want. The Administrative Staff brought to my attention some posts by me, purportedly, on other sites, as well as by a "waxwing" who, when commenting on this blog, sounded imposter-y, unless you OD'ed on something during those posts. Just wanted to let you know. Give my regards to the Red Sox.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 3:37 PM CDT

Name: Rance
Home Page:

The Administrative Staff hails Mia Toretto for setting the record for Posting her comment the Most Times (11) since records have been kept. I am posting it because it also sets the record for the Most Factual Errors of any Comment By a Non-Lunatic. Chief among them: this is supposed to be a forum for intellectual stimulation.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 3:42 PM CDT

Name: Rance
Home Page:

Evidently, this has been the most popular question lately. I mean this with all due respect, because the writing is good, etc., but I think once people actually get into the entertainment industry, they don't read Entertainment Weekly, I think because it's largely news that is given a few weeks ahead of time by the trades. I realize it's one of the most popular magazines in the country, but I might not have heard about the piece if not for the comments here. As to my comments: I'll not deny being any of those people, including the author.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 4:05 PM CDT

Name: WennyJo

Cheryl and all, (including Robyn ( I assumed you were referring to me, Robyn, I don't know of any 'Shathead Wendy' blog??)), thank you for your comments. The point I really want to make is that this behavior not only detracts from the purpose of this blog, it also makes it much less enjoyable, at least for me. I really DO wish that everything could return to the way it once was. I am sorry that this situation has reached the boiling point and has spilled over. I was not even aware of most of the games going on behind the scenes until recently. I intentionally never posted my email here, EVER, because I didn't want to get the attention of any nutjobs. I want to say for the record, I have not trolled anyone's websites either. Hopefully this will all be cleared up shortly.

Rance, I will tell you again: you don't know what it is like on the other side of the curtain. It can be difficult to know how to relate to you.

I think some of these readers, even long-time ones, need to always keep in mind that this is ultimately an anonymous dialogue with an unknown entity.

My apologies to those newer readers who were offended by my lunacy. Rock on, Rance!

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 4:07 PM CDT

Name: ginny
Home Page:

If I weren't a civilian, I could see the headline in Variety now: "EW blog slog w/photogs bags Rance's rants sans fans!!!!"

Deny nothing. A writing credit is a writing credit.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 5:33 PM CDT

Name: Israfel
Home Page:

Okay, doubtful that this comment will get posted since none of my comments since the very first one I left has ever been posted.

I take the time to write an eloquent and fact-based comment that actually relates to the topic being discussed and instead of it being posted, comment after comment of petty bickering is posted instead. Inane pathetic whiny bickering about inane pathetic whiny fantasy lives.

None of you people know Rance and you never will. So get the fuck over yourselves and get a fucking life.

Rance, it's obvious that the purpose of your blog has changed from being a creative outlet for your frustrations to one that simply strokes your own ego.

I've removed the link to your blog. Not that should matter to you. You have hundreds of "people" who hang on your every word.

But know that you alienated someone who respected your writing and read your blog not for you MIGHT be, but for what you wrote. Which is more important?


Friday, 25 June 2004 - 5:52 PM CDT


Rebuttal: Just because there are more deaths by lawn mower doesn't mean that there is no connection between violet movies and violence, it only means that Americans do not prefer the lawn mower as a weapon.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 8:16 PM CDT

Name: Mia Toretto

Dear Rance and Administrative Staff:

#1. I am an overachiever.
#2. I am a potential lunatic, if I posted 11 times. (I thought my post button wasn't working.)
#3. You just set a new record for someone that actually put 'mia' in line. You can put me in line, anytime.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 8:44 PM CDT

Name: gg

oh and by the way for the poor people out there. .. it is called "East Hampton" not The Hamptons and yes everyone either flies in or helicopters in because who the hell would sit it that traffic. Rance, if you really were someone who had money and wanted to stay out of the limelight you wouldn't name drop the Mondrian, The Hamptons, blah blah. When you really do have money let me know because then maybe we can hang out.

gg out!

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 9:39 PM CDT

Name: Andrea
Home Page:

An animal?? Why not a dog? Dogs are much better than people. the talk about violence and movies... tsc tsc... people still tell these nonsense? Its easyer blame the movies than the f... world. for me, people are more and more crazy, and that's it. Well, good lucky with the crazy people and the stupidy ones.

Friday, 25 June 2004 - 11:12 PM CDT

Name: Lanie
Home Page:

This whole e-brawl thing is so ridiculous I can hardly believe I'm wasting time writing about it. I truly hope BabyGirlCrow has now found her binky and blanky by now cuz I'm tired of it. Maybe I should throw a fit cuz I haven't been posted? Maybe I'm not as good as her cuz I didn't catch on to this blog as soon as she did? Her reasons behind these thoughts are just plain stupid.

I'm glad you're back to the ol' Rance though. I was getting kinda fed up with whatever it was going on. This is so addictive, much like reading my little sister's diary was at one point in my life.

Red Sox gave it away.

Saturday, 26 June 2004 - 3:04 AM CDT


and ps... we all know you were posting on Dave Barry's blog for the extra special attention...pfffffffft.

Saturday, 26 June 2004 - 6:56 AM CDT

Name: waxwing

"let it fly" - you have a talent for selecting the perfect phrase. It is your imagination or your goal, or the goal of your imagination to do so? Regardless, I do love it and were I your composition professor I would underline it and write Nice! in the margin.

Waxwing get drunk on overripe berries, but I do try to keep comments literate if nothing else. If you liked them, I authored, if not, it was not me, honest! Suppose I should plumb the www and see what your AS are talking about though. Oh, and when I gave your regards to the Red Sox, they said "Dance of the Captain Who?"

Thanks for the heads up on a potential ww imposter. I shall explore and see what & where when I can.

Saturday, 26 June 2004 - 7:10 AM CDT

Name: waxwing


That looks like an address for the very site on which you comment. I can't wait to return to my own nest and check it out! Thank you for locating and publishing it. I love this type of data. Remind me to tell you of a book with a million dots in it.

Saturday, 26 June 2004 - 10:21 AM CDT

Name: AJ

I've just been skimming so forgive me if I'm missing some vital information that would disprove what I am about to assume.

Rance is a creepy old guy in his parents basement (as he has previously told us)

And all of his groupies/commenters are 12 year old girls who think hes someone famous.

Now excuse me, I have to go take my kids swimming. They are upset that Rance didnt pay enough attention to THEM....

Saturday, 26 June 2004 - 1:20 PM CDT

Name: actress25


I posted (well it didn't get posted and wish the Ad. Staff would give me a chance) something about the Entertainment Weekly story. They have very good theories. It's funny to see how there minds work. But anyway, so what made you start on this? Being in the movie business myself, I know work can get boring. Believe me. I only wish to talk to you. Funny, I know a lot about this business and haven't been in it for a long time. Maybe it's because ever since I grew up theatre and movies are life to me. Though reality can often bite sometimes. I know there are a lot of people who post (some that shouldn't but some that should). I only ask to be heard and talk to you. Because deep down I know this site excites you. Call it a hobby huh? Well, wish I knew the whole truth about you..almost thought I did at first..but now you are getting smarter along the well in this blogging. But that's all for now.

Talk to you later (crossing fingers)


Monday, 28 June 2004 - 9:08 PM CDT

Name: gypsyjan

Bard S.

We (humankind) are no more or less inclined to violence than before in history, but perhaps, there are simply more everyday visual accessible examples of violent reactions that resonate in the subconscience and when confronted with a dramtic situation, provoke extreme reaction as a solution.

When confronted, we search for precedent.

If we have a memory reference of a person who reacts nonviolently, maybe we choose that. If all the interaction that we know about is derived from movies/tv/videogames example, when under stress, what happens?

I hope that you have fun with your Harriering.

Regards, gypsyjan

Thursday, 22 July 2004 - 3:59 PM CDT

Name: maggie


in a futile attempt to escape from hollywood this afternoon, i began web surfing to dull my senses. halfway through my spiderman poptart and electrolyte-infused water (all they had at chevron...oh, LA) i stumbled upon your blog. seeing as how i tend to shy from the internet and retreat into my books and music, I was not familiar with you and yours. it would have been nicer had i found you months ago, for it's such a relief to see that you can achieve your dreams without losing touch with reality. i was growing nervous what with all i have seen happen with those who achieve fame.
see, i'm an actress, but not yet on the totem pole. i've been in nyc and in the south at theatre conservatories my whole life. naively, i thought this transition would be a breeze. yeah, about as breezy as the 405 at 5pm. well, i see you might be looking for stories, and if your readers would like to hear about the dark, sordid underbelly of hollywood from a starving actress with an old car, $187, come-ons from agents/directors/lecherous old men left and right, occasional dalliances at the hotspots and parties (yes, I "know" people...typing that made me throw up in my mouth a little,) and dreams of saving the world, well, then, i'm your gal. lord knows, i would be grateful for the chance to vent. i'm young,idealistic, and too trusting for my own good (east-coast bred...where people mean what they say.)but i'm also one of the few girls (or so it seems) not willing to take on a sugar-daddy or sleep with that "agent" who really works at 7-11. i'd rather toil away at two jobs..oh wait. i am.
all of this makes for a lot of interesting fodder, many indecent proposals (eat your heart out, mr. douglas,) and craziness in abundance. it would be a chance for anyone who has ever wondered or dreamed about what it's like to follow me on my journey...

otherwise, riddle me this, rance: is it worth it to stay on this hot tin roof, if only to take care of your friends and family?

peace to you all,

Monday, 4 October 2004 - 2:08 PM CDT

Name: corporate shill

For what might be considered a more substantive analysis of violence in America, I suggest you (and all those posters who regularly suck up to you) see Bowling for Columbine. In fact, a good dose of documentary films would be a great response to this whole blog. There are people in your industry who find a way to something that matters to them, who aren't afraid that somebody will find out what they really think, who don't live in fear that somebody will say they suck. They may not be cover boys and they may not make $5 million extra dollars on their next movie (then again, they may), but the ones I know are OK with that. (All right, I only know one, but he's OK with it.)

Monday, 14 October 2013 - 7:23 AM CDT

Name: "Gheorghe Vasilache"
Home Page:

Why everybody believe that Transylvania or Moldova are the modial epicenter of the violence? It's quite ...quiet there! :-)

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